What Are the Different Types of Part-Time Graphic Design Jobs?

I Love Part-Time.com is a website serving part-time information for college students created by students at Qingdao University in 2010. The website collects distribution promotion, promotion exhibitions, etiquette models, translation interpreters, campus agents, IT and design, home education and housekeeping, full-time internship Part-time job recruitment information in several major areas is available for free inspection by Qingdao students. It provides a multi-faceted high-quality service for young people in a membership system, and is committed to creating the first local part-time job recommendation platform in Qingdao.

I love part time

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I Love Freelance Service was founded in 2010 by Qingdao University students
I Love Part-Time.com is based in Qingdao and has a nationwide focus. It is mainly for college student groups. It provides registered members' information, blogs, photo albums, forums, etc. In addition, the first creative part-time job can also be directly interviewed on the website. A full range of personal photos + text display allows employers to fully understand the personal appearance of registered members at the first time, greatly improving the success of interviews and improving the work efficiency of employers.
Provide free part-time information for college students, and provide high-quality part-time talents for enterprises. "
I love part-time-Qingdao University Student Part-time Network | Be the best non-profit website!
Student's second class, the best partner for business
The positioning explained:
1. Provide services such as part-time internships, training lectures, event dating, and entrepreneurship studies to college students through the website. Experiencing work while studying, learning during experiencing work, and striving to build a second university in which the integrity, strength, brand, and love coexist in the minds of college students;
2. Promote corporate awareness and brand image through the website, free from time and geographical restrictions, quickly target talents, and successfully hire ideal employees;
3. The style, structure, and function of the website should be "people-oriented", that is, humanized; can be constructed and set up from the habits of college students and the needs of enterprises, so that college students and enterprises can feel that the website is dedicated to them. With intimacy and affinity.


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