What Does a State Treasurer Do?

John Snow
(Former US Treasury Secretary)
- John William Snow (English: John William Snow, August 2, 1939), born in Toledo, Ohio, bachelor of law and doctor of philosophy, the 73rd Secretary of the Treasury.
- Last name
- John Snow
- Foreign name
- John William Snow
- Country of Citizenship
- United States
- place of birth
- Toledo, Ohio, USA
- date of birth
- August 2, 1939
- Occupation
- Politician, entrepreneur
- graduated school
- University of Toledo, University of Virginia, etc.
- Religion
- Acquired in 1962
- 1985-now CEO of the Eastern Rail Freight Company (CSX)
- Vice President of CSX from 1977-1985
- U.S. Secretary of Rail Traffic Safety, 1976-1977
- Deputy Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation, 1975-1976
- 1974-1975 Assistant Secretary-General, White House Center
- Acting Assistant Secretary-General of the White House Department of Policy, Planning and International Affairs 1973-1974
- George Washington University of Law, 1972-1975
- Wife Caroline, three sons-Bradley, Ian and Christopher.