How Do I Handle a Tax Dispute?
Tax disputes refer to disputes between tax authorities, taxpayers, collection agents, payment agents, and directly responsible persons as a result of taking administrative measures to implement tax administration and making tax administrative treatment.
Tax dispute
- Chinese name
- Tax dispute
- Explanation
- Disputes between tax authorities and directly responsible persons
- Elements
- Withholding
- Cause dispute
- Taxpayers misunderstand tax law
- Tax disputes refer to disputes between tax authorities, taxpayers, collection agents, payment agents, and directly responsible persons as a result of taking administrative measures to implement tax administration and making tax administrative treatment.
- Elements
- (1) Tax disputes are disputes between tax authorities, taxpayers, withholding agents, and tax guarantors. Disputes between tax authorities and other units or individuals or disputes between taxpayers and other administrative organs are not tax disputes;
- (2) Tax disputes are caused by the implementation of specific administrative actions by tax authorities, and taxpayers believe that tax law provisions are unreasonable and disputes with tax authorities are not tax disputes;
- (3) Tax disputes arise from taxation. The reasons for tax disputes are many, including taxpayers' misunderstanding of tax laws, intentional tax evasion, unfair law enforcement by taxpayers, improper specific administrative actions, and loopholes in the tax law itself. The means to resolve tax disputes are tax administrative review and tax administrative litigation.