What Are the Concerns With Netbook Security?
Internet security is a comprehensive discipline involving computer science, network technology, communication technology, cryptography, information security technology, applied mathematics, number theory, information theory, and other disciplines.
- "Internet" refers to a global information system, an interactive platform that can communicate with each other, communicate with each other, and participate in each other. So Internet security asks
- Internet security is mainly manifested in the following aspects: physical security of the Internet, Internet
Internet Security Technology
- Physical measures: For example, protect critical network equipment (such as switches, large computers, etc.), formulate strict network security rules and regulations, and take measures such as radiation protection, fire prevention, and installation of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS).
- Access control: Strict authentication and control of users' access to network resources. For example, perform user identity authentication, encrypt, update, and authenticate passwords, set users' permissions to access directories and files, and control the configuration of network devices, and so on.
- Data encryption: Encryption is an important means of protecting data security. The role of encryption is to protect the meaning of the information after it is intercepted. Prevent computer network virus, install network anti-virus system.
- Other measures: Other measures include information filtering, fault tolerance, data mirroring, data backup, and auditing. Many solutions have been proposed around network security issues, such as data encryption technology and firewall technology. Data encryption is to encrypt the data transmitted in the network, and then decrypt and restore it to the original data after reaching the destination. The purpose is to prevent unauthorized users from stealing information after interception. Firewall technology protects network resources by controlling network access rights through methods such as network isolation and restricted access. Other security technologies include key management, digital signatures, authentication technology, smart card technology, and access control. [8]
Internet security precautions
- Having network security awareness is an important prerequisite for ensuring network security. Many cyber security incidents are related to the lack of awareness of security precautions.
Internet Security Security Tool
- Tools for maintaining network security include VIEID, digital certificates, digital signatures, and local or cloud-based antivirus software. In terms of law, there are the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Computer Information Systems and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Electronic Signatures. [9]