What is a Digital Signature?

A digital signature (also known as a public key digital signature) is a digital string that can only be forged by others without the sender of the message. This digital string is also a valid proof of the authenticity of the message sent by the sender of the message. It is a method similar to ordinary physical signatures written on paper, but implemented using techniques in the field of public key encryption, and is used to identify digital information. A set of digital signatures usually defines two complementary operations, one for signature and the other for verification. Digital signature is the application of asymmetric key encryption technology and digital digest technology. [1]

The integrity of digitally signed files is easy to verify (no need
Everyone has a pair "
Network security is mainly
When sending a message, the sender generates a hash function from the message text
You can send every one you send
A personal secure mail certificate with a digital signature function is a type of user certificate, which refers to the certificate that a unit user must use to ensure the security when using a certificate mechanism to send and receive e-mail. Personal safety
digital signature
If Alice now sends digital information to Bob, in order to ensure that the information is transmitted,
How to distinguish digital signature attacks? There are two ways: [7]
1. To view the details of a digital signature, we should view the details of the digital signature and click the "Details" button. [7]
We will find the difference between a normal EXE and an EXE digital signature after infection (or bundled Trojan).
Digital signature details of a normal EXE.
The tampered EXE digital signature information is invalid. [7]
2. Use the digital signature verification program sigcheck.exe (You can find this tool on Baidu, one of the components of the famous system toolkit Sysinternals Suite.) [7]

Digital signature exception result

The result of the digital signature exception is: [7]
C: \ Documents and Settings \ litiejun \ ?? \ modify.exe:
Verified: Unsigned
File date: 15:46 2008-5-23
Publisher: n / a
Description: n / a
Product: n / a
Version: n / a
File version: n / a

Digital signature normal result

Normal digital signature results are: [7]
C: \ Documents and Settings \ litiejun \ ?? \ che.exe:
Verified: Signed
Signing date: 16:28 2008-4-29
Publisher: n / a
Description: n / a
Product: n / a
Version: n / a
File version: n / a


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