What Is an Active Object?
Activities are the sum of actions that are united by a common purpose and fulfill a certain social function. Activities consist of purpose, motivation, action, and commonality, and have a complete structural system. Soviet psychologists have conducted a series of studies on activities since the 1920s. Among them, .. Leontev's theory of activities had a great influence on the development of Soviet psychology, and became an important theoretical cornerstone of modern Soviet psychology.
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- Activities are actions that are united by a common purpose and fulfill a certain social function
- Both activities and actions are characterized by achieving a predetermined purpose, but actions are restricted by a single purpose. Activities are constrained by a complete system of ends and motivations. An activity is a system of actions.
- Activities always point to certain objects. There are two kinds of objects: objective things that restrict activities; psychological images that regulate objective things of activities. There is no activity leaving the object. Activities are always driven by needs, and people change objects to meet their needs through activities. People's positive reflection of objective reality and the relationship between subject and object are realized through activities. During the activity, the subject and object are transformed into each other. The subjective image is transformed through the subjective activity, and the subjective image is also transformed into the objective product through the activity. Introspective psychology can't draw scientific conclusions from research consciousness, and behaviorist psychology can study behavior from consciousness.
- Human psychology and consciousness are formed and developed in activities. Through activities, people know the world around them and form their various personality qualities; in turn, activities themselves are regulated by people's psychology and consciousness. This regulation has different levels. The strength of the muscles and the rhythm of the movement are adjusted at the level of perception and perception, while the activities to solve the problem of thinking are adjusted at the level of concept.
- Activities can be divided into external activities and internal activities. From the perspective of occurrence, external activities are original, and internal activities originate from external activities and are the result of internalization of external activities. Internal activities are externalized through external activities. These two activities have a common structure and can transition between each other.
- There are three basic forms of human activity: play, study, and labor. These three forms of activities play different roles in different stages of development, and one of them plays a leading role. For example, before school age, children's dominant activity is games; in school age, game activities are gradually replaced by learning activities; in adulthood, labor becomes the dominant activity of people.