What Is Structured English?
Structured language is a language that specifically describes the logic requirements of a functional unit. It is different from natural language, and it is also different from any specific programming language (such as VB, VC, etc.). Structured description language is generally English, which is similar to general programming language. It has the characteristics of strong natural language flexibility and rich expression, as well as the clear, easy to read, and strict logic of structured programs. It is also a language used for database query and programming. It has become a commonly used standard for relational databases. Using this standard database language has brought great convenience to program design and database maintenance, and is widely used in various data query. VB and other applications including Access, Foxpro, Oracle, SQL Server, etc. all support the SQL language. [1]
Structured language
- Structured language is a language that specifically describes the logic requirements of a functional unit. It is different from natural language, and it is also different from any specific programming language (such as VB, VC, etc.). It is a language in between. Structured description language is generally English, which is similar to general programming language. It has both the characteristics of natural language flexibility and rich expression, and
- A distinguishing feature of structured languages is the separation of code and data. This language separates and hides instructions and data that perform a particular task from the rest of the program. One way to get isolation is to call using local (temporary) variables
- Object-oriented programming (OOP)
- Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a natural extension of structured languages. OOP's advanced programming methods will produce a program that is clear and easy to extend and maintain. Once you have created an object for your program, you and other programmers can use this object in other programs without having to rewrite complicated code at all. Reuse of objects can greatly save development time and actually increase the productivity of you and others.
- C language
- C language [2]
- 1960
- ALGOL 60, the first structured language appeared. It is the root node in the structured language family tree and eventually produces languages like Pascal. ALGOL became the most popular language in Europe in the mid to late 1960s.
- In the early 1960s, Kenneth Iverson began working on languages, and eventually produced the APL-A programming language. It uses a special character set, and in order to use it correctly, you also need APL-compatible I / O devices.
- 1962
- APL is written in Iverson's "A Programming Language" book.
- FORTRAN IV appears.
- SNOBOL, a product named after the "first letter spelling", achieved absolute success in the early days of work. SNOBOL-StriNg Oriented symBOlic Language. It spawned other products named after the initials: FASBOL, a SNOBOL compiler (1971), and SPITBOL-Speedy ImplemenTation of snoBOL-also in 1971.
- 1963
- ALGOL 60 is corrected.
- Work on PL / 1 begins.
- 1964
- APL \ 360 is implemented.
- At Dartmouth, John G. Kemeny and Professor Thomas E. Kurtz invented BASIC. The original implementation was a compiler. The first BASIC program ran at 4 pm on May 1, 1964. PL / 1 released.
- 1965
- SNOBOL3 appears.
- 1966
- FORTRAN 66 appears.
- LISP 2 appears.
- At Bolt, Beranek and Newman started the LOGO work. The group's head is Wally Fuerzeig, and it also includes Seymour Papert. The most famous LOGO is "Turtle drawing".
- 1967
- SNOBOL4, SNOBOL with greatly enhanced functions, appeared.
- 1968
- ALGOL 68 is a monster compared to ALGOL 60. Some members of the normative committee-including CARHoare and Niklaus Wirth-agree with the plan. It turns out that ALGOL 68 is difficult to achieve.
- ALTRAN, a variant of FORTRAN appears.
- COBOL is formally defined by ANSI.
- Niklaus Wirth begins work on Pascal.
- 1969
- 500 people attended the APL conference held at IBM headquarters in Armonk, New York. The distribution needs of APL were so great that the event was later referred to as "The March on Armonk".
- 1970
- In the early 1970s, Charles Moore wrote the first meaningful program in his language Forth.
- Prolog work started around this time.
- It was also someday in the early 1970s that Xerox PARC was led by Alan Kay and started designing Smalltalk. Earlier versions include Smalltalk-72, Smalltalk-74, and Smalltalk-76.
- An implementation of Pascal appeared on the CDC 6000-series computer.
- Icon, a descendant of SNOBOL4 was launched.
- 1972
- Konrad Zuse's manuscript on Plankalkul (see 1946) was finally published.
- Dennis Ritchie designed the C. But the final reference manual was released in 1974.
- Credit to Alain Colmerauer and Phillip Roussel for the first implementation of Prolog.
- 1974
- Another COBOL ANSI specification appeared.
- 1975
- Tiny BASIC, designed by Bob Albrecht and Dennis Allison (implemented by Dick Whipple and John Arnold), runs on a microcomputer with 2KB of memory. A 4KB machine is more suitable, it will have 2KB of memory for this program.
- A BASIC version by Bill Gates and Paul Allen was sold to MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems) as a royalty-free copy of each copy. MITS produces Altair, an 8080-based microcomputer.
- Scheme, a "dialect" of LISP, designed by GL Steele and GJ Sussman.
- Pascal user manuals and reports published by Jensen and Wirth. Many people still think of it as the definitive reference book on Pascal.
- BW Kerninghan describes RATFOR-RATional FORTRAN. It is a preprocessor and allows the use of C-like control structures in FORTRAN. RATFOR was applied to Kernighan and Plauger's "Software Tools", which appeared in 1976.
- 1976
- The Design System Language appears, and it is considered a pioneer of PostScript.
- 1977
- The ANSI standard of MUMPS emerged-Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System. MUMPS was originally used to process medical records, it only recognized string types. It was subsequently renamed M.
- The design competition will lead to the creation of Ada. The Honeywell Bull team, led by Jean Ichbiah, is about to win the game.
- Kim Harris and others founded FIG, a FORTH interest group. They developed FIG-FORTH for about $ 20.
- One day in the late 1970s, Kenneth Bowles designed the UCSD Pascal, which made Pascal available on PDP-11 and Z80-based computers.
- Niklaus Wirth started designing Modula, the forerunner of Modula-2 and the successor of Pascal.
- 1978
- AWK-A text processing language named after its designers Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan.
- The FORTRAN 77 ANSI standard appeared.
- 1980
- Smalltalk-80 appears.
- Modula-2 appears.
- Franz LISP appears.
- Bjarne Stroustrup developed a language set-collectively known as "C With Classes"-which became the breeding ground for C ++.
- 1981
- Effort began to become a "public dialect" of LISP, often referred to as Common LISP.
- Japan begins fifth-generation computer system engineering. The main language is Prolog.
- 1982
- ISO Pascal appeared.
- PostScript appears.
- 1983
- Smalltalk-80 announced: It was done by Goldberg et al.
- Ada appears. His name comes from Augusta Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace, the daughter of the English poet Byron. He was hailed as the first female programmer for designing a program to understand Bernoulli's equations on a Babbage analysis machine. In 1983, a new "Mission Assessment" application directed by the Department of Defense was written in this language.
- In late 1983 and early 1984, Microsoft and Digital Research jointly released the first C compiler for a microcomputer.
- In July, the first C ++ implementation appeared. The name was taken by Rick Mascitti.
- In November, Borland's Turbo Pascal "shocked" like a nuclear storm, thanks to an advertisement in BYTE magazine.
- 1984
- APL2 reference manual is available. APL2 is an extension of APL that allows nested arrays.
- 1985
- Forth controls the submersible to locate the wreckage of Titanic.
- The microcomputer version of Vanilla SNOBOL4 is released.
- Methods, line-oriented Smalltalk on the PC.
- 1986
- Smalltalk / V Appearance-The first Smalltalk version widely used in microcomputers.
- Apple releases Object Pascal for Mac machines.
- Borland releases Turbo Prolog.
- Charles Duff releases Actor, an object-oriented language for developing Microsoft Windows applications.
- Eiffel, another object-oriented language appeared.
- C ++ makes an appearance.
- 1987
- Turbo Pascal 4.0 is released.
- 1988
- CLOS specification-Common LISP Object System-published.
- Niklaus Wirth completes Oberon, his follow-up to Modula-2.
- 1989
- Published ANSI C specification.
- C ++ 2.0 forms the first draft of a reference manual. Version 2.0 adds features such as multiple inheritance and member pointers.
- 1990
- Annotated C ++ Reference Manual published by C ++ 2.1, B.Stroustrup and other authors. This version adds templates and exception handling features.
- FORTRAN 90 includes many new elements such as case statements and derived types.
- Kenneth Iverson and Roger Hui presented the J language at the APL 90 conference.
- 1991
- Visual Basic won the Best Performance Award from BYTE Magazine at the COMDEX Spring Show.
- 1992
- Dylan-named after Dylan Thomas-is a Scheme-like object-oriented language released by Apple.
- 1993
- ANSI releases X3J4.1 technical report-first draft of object-oriented COBOL proposal. The true standard is expected to be completed in 1997.
- 1994
- Microsoft integrated Visual Basic for Application into Excel.
- 1995
- In February, ISO accepted the 1995 revision of the Ada language. It is called Ada95, which includes OOP features and supports real-time systems.
- 1996
- The first ANSI C ++ standard was pre-released.