What Are Methods of Production?
The production method is also called "manufacturing process". Method for processing industrial objects by industrial enterprises. There are four main types: (1) Comprehensive method, which integrates or assembles different raw materials or parts into one product. For example, lime and clay are ground and mixed to form cement, and gearboxes, diesel engines, tires, and other parts are assembled into tractors. (2) Decomposition method, which processes raw materials and decomposes them into various products. Such as the decomposition of crude oil into gasoline, watch oil, diesel, etc .; (3) the modulation method, by changing the shape and performance of the raw materials to make one or more products. Such as making rubber into various rubber products, etc .; (4) mining method, extracting products from underground, ocean, etc. Such as coal mining, oil extraction, etc. In actual work, the same factory often adopts more than one production method. For example, mechanical products are mainly assembled by integrated methods, but the manufacturing of parts requires modulation methods, such as forging, heat treatment and electroplating. [1]