Are There Cures for Bacterial Vaginosis?
Women, most often between the ages of 15 and 44, have different morbidity rates in different populations, generally between 10-25%, but as high as 61% among sex workers, so they are considered to be one of the sexually transmitted diseases.
- Western Medicine Name
- Bacterial vaginosis
- Affiliated Department
- Gynecology and Pediatrics-
- Disease site
- vaginal
- The main symptoms
- Increased leucorrhea, leucorrhea, etc.
Liu Zhaohui | (Chief physician) | Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Peking University First Hospital |
- In recent years, it is believed that the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis (BV) is due to the imbalance of vaginal flora and the reduction of lactobacillus. A mixed infection with Gardnerella. Since its report in 1954, it has been known as Haemophilus vaginitis, Corynebacterium vaginitis, and non-specific vaginitis due to unclear knowledge of its pathogen. It was officially named BV at a special international conference in Sweden in 1984.
Incidence of bacterial vaginosis
- Women, most often between the ages of 15 and 44, have different morbidity rates in different populations, generally between 10-25%, but as high as 61% among sex workers, so they are considered to be one of the sexually transmitted diseases.
Causes of bacterial vaginosis
- In recent years, it is believed that the occurrence of BV is due to the imbalance of vaginal flora and the reduction of lactobacillus, leading to the large number of other pathogens such as Gardnerella, various anaerobic bacteria, and Vibrio vibrio. A mixed infection of the Lord.
Clinical manifestations of bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis symptoms
- About 10-50% of patients are asymptomatic. Symptoms often complain of increased vaginal discharge, odor, and may be accompanied by mild vulvar itching or burning.
Signs of bacterial vaginosis
- Examination showed that the leucorrhea was a thin and uniform leucorrhea with a large amount, no vaginal mucosa inflammation or redness, and no trichomoniasis, candida or gonorrhea infection. Cleanliness is mostly 1 degree.
Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis
- Asymptomatic patients are easy to be ignored. BV can be diagnosed if 3 of the following 4 items are met.
- a. The vaginal discharge is a thin, uniform leucorrhea.
- b. Vaginal pH> 4.5 (due to ammonia production by anaerobic bacteria).
- c. Ammonia test is positive. Take a small amount of vaginal secretion on a glass slide, add 1-2 drops of 10% potassium hydroxide solution, and it will be positive if it produces a rotten fish-like fishy odor.
- d. Clue cells are positive, and more than 20% of clue cells are seen under the high-power microscope in the hanging drop method. Cluecell is a large number of particles attached to the surface of the cells that fall off the vagina (ie, Gardnerella, etc.), making the edges of the cells unclear. [1]
Bacterial vaginosis disease treatment
Systemic medication for bacterial vaginosis
- Metronidazole 500mg twice daily for 7 days with an effective rate of 98.8%; clindamycin 300mg twice daily for 7 days with an effective rate of 94%.
Topical bacterial vaginosis
- Metronidazole 200mg was placed in the vagina for 7 days; 2% clindamycin plaster 300mg was rubbed in the vagina for 7 days. The effect is slightly worse than oral.