How Do I Reduce Vasectomy Swelling?

Male ligation is a permanent method of contraception. The contraceptive principle is to cut the sperm from the testicles to the penis, so that the sperm cannot enter the semen and is excreted. This permanent contraception method is only suitable for couples who do not want to have children. After undergoing the ligation operation, men will not have the effect of permanent contraception immediately. Therefore, other reliable contraceptive measures must be used after the operation. Only after two sperm examinations prove that the presence of sperm is completely absent, can the contraceptive measures be abandoned. In very rare cases, the disconnected vas deferens will reopen, thereby restoring fertility, and minor complications usually caused by surgery include wound swelling and pain.

Male ligation

Male ligation surgery is a permanent
1. Do pre-operative consultation to relieve concerns;
2. Postoperative
1. Sterilize the operation field three times with warm 0.1% benzalkonium bromide solution (1: 1000 new Jieer disinfectant solution) and lay a hole towel. Use your left thumb and middle finger to look for the vas deferens in front of and outside the scrotum, and squeeze it firmly under the skin, pinching the tough vas deferens. Local anesthesia is applied to the skin where the vas deferens is fixed, and the medicine is pushed while the needle is inserted, so that the liquid is diffused from the skin to the periphery of the vas deferens.
2. Make a small incision from the eye of the local anesthesia needle with a small sharp knife. The length of the incision is no more than 0.4cm. Separate the vas deferens directly with the vas deferens and separate them slightly along the longitudinal axis of the vas deferens. Pull out of the incision.
3. Use mosquito forceps to separate the vas deferens sheath and blood vessels. After freeing the vas deferens from 1-1.5cm, use two mosquito hemostatic forceps to clamp the vas deferens in the upper and lower parts of the separation section, and then remove the fixed forceps.
4. Cut off and ligate the free vas deferens. After twisting with a hemostat, ligate both ends with a silk thread No. 1 with a distance of 1.5 cm. Lift the ligating line to cut off the vas deferens by about 1 cm. Check for no bleeding. Isolate it from the distal end with the spermatic cord fascia, and then put it into the skin wound. Hemostasis the bleeding. The skin wound may not be sutured, but the edges of the skin must be aligned.
5. Treat the other vas deferens in the same way. Cover the wound with sterile gauze after surgery and fix it with adhesive tape.
Ligation surgery is relatively simple for men. The principle of sterilization surgery is to cut off or block the passage of sperm from the body, which will not affect the sperm production. Because the delivery tube was cut off, sperm could not be exported, so it accumulated in the testes and was reabsorbed. When a man ejaculates, only one tenth of the semen is ejected. The other components are composed of prostate fluid, urethral glandular fluid, and so on. At the same time, men after sterilization need to prevent some complications.


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