What Are the Medical Uses of Calendula Officinalis?
Calendula extract is a petal extract of Marigold, a calendula of the family Compositae, which has anti-aging effects.
Calendula extract
- The main active ingredients are lutein (Lutein) and zeaxanthin (Zeaxanthin).
- Calendula is native to southern Europe and is now cultivated around the world. The British Thompson Morgan Company and the Israeli Danziger Flower Company are well known in Europe for breeding and production of calendula.
- Calendula plant height
- Its effect is mainly reflected in anti-aging.
- Calendula contains lutein. Medical experiments have proven that natural lutein contained in plants is an excellent antioxidant. Adding a certain amount of lutein to food can prevent cell aging and organ aging. It can also prevent vision loss and blindness caused by macular degeneration of retinal eyeballs. Through a series of medical research, carotenoids have been suggested as cancer preventive agents, life extension agents, ulcer agents, heart attacks and coronary artery disease. Arrived in preparations. [1]
- Flowers and leaves have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, especially for Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. Its antibacterial component is soluble in alcohol but not in water. In alkaline environment, the effect is better. Animal tests have proven that flower extracts have a sedative effect on the central nervous system and reduce reflex excitability. Intravenous injection can cause lower blood pressure, increase heart activity, increase heartbeat amplitude, slow heart rate, promote bile secretion in dogs, and accelerate wound healing. It is used outside Europe for various skin and mucous membrane inflammations. It can also be used internally to treat various inflammations and ulcers (such as gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, hepatobiliary disorders, etc.). Can be used for digestive tract cancer to reduce symptoms of poisoning, improve appetite, sleep, etc., and also for menstrual irregularities. The tincture has a killing effect on the virus in a test tube, but it does not show a therapeutic effect on viral pneumonia produced by mice using A2Frunzefluvirus. The water extract of the leaves has the effect of accelerating hemagglutination (shortened thrombin time), but this is related to the tannins and calcium salts contained in it.