What Is a Catheter Bag?

Medically, a catheter is inserted into the bladder through the urethra to drain urine. Catheterization is divided into catheter indwelling catheterization and intermittent catheterization. The former urinary catheter has been kept in the patient's body, and the tube should be pulled out as soon as possible, and it must be replaced regularly. The latter is catheterized every 4-6 hours, and the catheter is pulled out after the bladder is emptied.


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Used for urination, urinary retention and other obstacles.
It is worth noting that the catheter cannot be reused, otherwise it will cause bacterial infection of the urethra of the user.
The procedure for indwelling catheterization is to
1. Should be strictly aseptic operation to prevent urinary tract infections.
2. Insert the urinary tube gently so as not to damage the urethral mucosa. If there is a blocking feeling during insertion, change the direction and insert 2 cm when urine is flowing out. Do not insert it too deep or shallow, especially avoid repeatedly pulling the ureter.
3 The thickness of the urinary catheter should be selected appropriately. For children or those with suspected urethral stricture, the urinary catheter should be thin.
4 For those with overfilled bladder, urination should be slow to avoid sudden decompression and bleeding or syncope.
5. When measuring residual urine, patients are instructed to urinate by themselves and then urinate. Residual urine volume is generally 5-10ml. If it exceeds 100ml, catheterization should be left.
6. During indwelling catheterization, the condition of the urinary tract should be checked frequently, and if there is prolapse, the bladder should be rinsed daily with sterile medicinal solution if necessary; the urinary tract should be replaced every 5-7 days, and the urethra should be relaxed for several hours before reinserting Insert it again.


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