What Are the Different Types of Economic Decision Analysis?
[Economic Decision Analysis Report] is a written report written after analyzing relevant digital differences and problems using relevant data and information in combination with other circumstances. The purpose is to provide leaders with reliable decision-making basis to promote the rapid development of the national economy. It consists of four parts: 1. Objectives, according to the actual situation, determine the problem and propose decision-making opinions on a certain matter or problem; 2. 2. Collect and organize relevant data for decision-making goals, categorize them according to their nature, and explain the economic benefits of various matters; 3. Plan, analyze the data in detail, and propose solutions to the problem; Analyze the selection, analyze and compare several alternatives, and initially determine the best economic benefit. In writing, it is required to provide truthful and practical decision-making schemes that are conducive to the development of the national economy in accordance with national policies, laws and plans. [1]