What Is Technology Education?
Technical education refers to vocational preparation education for training technicians. Due to the development of production technology, especially in the power technology stage, it is generated in response to social needs. The initial stage is at the later stage of secondary education and the primary stage of higher education. Teach science and engineering principles and rules applied to design, construction, inspection, or production activities. In the second half of the 20th century, with the emergence and development of "high technology" in production technology, demand for talents such as senior technicians, process engineers, and craftsmen has arisen, and its education level has gradually reached the university and graduate level. [1]
Technical education
- Due to the further development of science and technology and the meticulous occupational division of labor, the kind of technical education that Marx originally called evolved as follows: The school education of technicians focusing on cultivating mental labor is called technical education. The school education of skilled workers whose main task is to cultivate manual labor is called vocational education, and it is uniformly called vocational and technical education in China.
- The social talent structure can be divided into four categories: academic, engineering, technical, and technical. Generally, the education of technical talents is called technical education internationally. Higher vocational education in China mainly trains technical talents, and belongs to professional technical education.
- Another meaning began in the middle of the 20th century, and the education of cultivating this new type of talents is called technical education to distinguish it from vocational education to cultivate skilled talents. [2]