What Is a Dividend ETF?
The SSE Dividend Index is an index-based fund that uses a full replication strategy to track the SSE Dividend Index.
SSE Dividend ETF
- Subject
- Same way of buying and selling
- "2009 Taurus Fund Award for Open-ended Index Funds"
- Primary market subscription / redemption fee rate (Note: The minimum subscription and redemption share of the Fund is 500,000 shares or an integral multiple thereof): no more than 0.5% of the subscription / redemption share, which will be collected by participating brokers (including stock exchange , Relevant fees charged by registration and settlement agencies).
- The secondary market buying and selling fee rate: the buying and selling commission does not exceed 0.3% of the transaction amount, which is collected by the participating brokers and is exempt from stamp duty.
- Sales service fee (year)
- Management fee (year) 0.5%
- Custodian fee (year) 0.1%