What Are Back Spasms?
Back cramps are a type of cramps in the body's muscle tissue that occur on the back. In general, there are three common causes of back spasms:
Back cramps
- Exercise therapy: Exercise can increase the softness of muscles and the flexibility of joints. It can also increase the strength and endurance of muscles, thereby improving the circulation of qi and blood throughout the body and relieving physical and mental stress. Exercise can also help prevent soreness or help eliminate backaches. It is the most important and effective way to treat backaches. At present, the best lightweight exercises are Tai Chi, Qigong and swimming.
- Push therapy: Massage and massage can help release or reduce physical and mental stress and soothe tense muscles, so it is also one of the important methods to eliminate back pain.
- Traction therapy: For patients with herniated discs and patients with narrow lumbar foramen, this method helps to open the distance between vertebral bodies, avoids bone spurs or cartilage compression to the nerves, and helps reduce pain symptoms.
- Acupuncture therapy: Acupuncture can promote qi and blood circulation, and has analgesic effect, which has a considerable effect on acute pain. For patients with general chronic lumbar muscle strain, local warm moxibustion can be applied, which has the effect of relaxing muscles and rejuvenating.
- Physical therapy: including ultrasound, electrotherapy, cold and hot compress. Ultrasound can penetrate deep muscle tissue and generate heat energy, which helps to relieve pain and swelling. Electrotherapy is the use of electrical stimulation to make muscle cells move regularly to relieve muscle sclerosis and pain. Cold compresses are suitable for acute pain within one or two days, and have analgesic and swelling effects. Hot compresses are more suitable for chronic pain, which can improve local circulation and tissue recovery.
- Drug treatment: For those with local stasis and heat pain, external medicine for activating blood circulation and swelling can be applied externally. If there is no stasis but pain, external injuries can be applied. Oral administration is generally based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers. Always consult a physician before using oral medications. [2]
- Back cramps are a type of cramps in the body's muscle tissue that occur on the back. In general, there are three common causes of back spasms:
Causes of back cramps
Back cramps and fatigue
- When the body is fatigued, the normal physiological functions of the back muscles will change. At this time, there will be a large amount of lactic acid accumulation in the muscles, and lactic acid will continue to stimulate the muscles and cause spasms.
Back cramps electrolyte imbalance
- Due to sweating during exercise, a large amount of electrolyte will be lost. The main components of sweat are water and salt, and salt is related to muscle contraction. Losing too much salt can cause muscles in the back or other parts to excite and cause spasms.
Back cramps cold irritation
- In cold climates, such as being stimulated by cold water when swimming, especially if the warm-up exercise is not fully prepared, spasms are likely to occur, the main reason is that muscles will become more excited due to the cold. [1]
Differentiation and diagnosis of back spasms
- 1, faint numbness and discomfort in the back: Considering faint numbness in the back is caused by neuralgia. Pain is one of the common symptoms of neurology. This kind of pain refers to the pain that is felt without external stimuli. It is also called spontaneous pain. There are many types of spontaneous pain. According to the site of the disease, it can be divided into peripheral neuropathic pain and central neuropathic pain.
- 2. Back soreness: Radiation pain, soreness, cramping pain, cough pain, traction pain, etc. in the waist, back, shoulders, and legs. Work capacity
- The onset is usually a sudden pain in the lower back while stretching and twisting the back. Early fashion can continue to exercise. But after 2-3 hours, muscle bleeding will make the tendon rigid and unable to move.
- Spasms usually cause severe pain, and any movement can make the pain worse. Patients tend to lie still, curl their knees, and spine forward