What Are the Most Common Miscarriage Signs?

Threatened abortion refers to a small amount of vaginal bleeding, followed by paroxysmal lower abdominal pain or low back pain, before the 28th week of pregnancy. The pelvic examination does not open, the fetal membrane is intact, no pregnancy is discharged, and the uterine size is consistent with the gestational week. If symptoms worsen, it may lead to inevitable abortion.

Basic Information

Threatened abortion
English name
threatened abortion
Visiting department
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Common causes
Chromosomal abnormalities are the main cause of miscarriage
Common symptoms
Menopause, vaginal bleeding, abdominal or low back pain, etc.

Causes of threatened abortion

Chromosomal abnormality
Chromosomal abnormalities are the main cause of miscarriage. There are two types of chromosomal abnormalities: structural abnormalities. Studies have shown that in early spontaneous abortions, 50% to 60% of pregnancy products have chromosomal abnormalities. If a couple has a chromosomal abnormality, it can be passed on to offspring and can cause miscarriages or repeated miscarriages.
2.Maternal factors
(1) Systemic diseases High fever can induce uterine contraction and cause abortion during systemic infection; certain known pathogen infections such as Toxoplasma gondii, herpes simplex, human mycoplasma, mycoplasma urealyticum, and cytomegalovirus are related to abortion; pregnant women have heart failure and severe anemia Hypoxic diseases such as hypertension, chronic nephritis, and severe malnutrition can also cause miscarriage.
(2) Endocrine abnormalities such as insufficient corpus luteum function, hypothyroidism, and uncontrolled diabetes.
(3) Immune function is abnormal.
(4) Severe nutritional deficiencies.
(5) Bad habits such as smoking, alcoholism, excessive drinking of coffee or use of heroin and other drugs.
(6) Adverse factors in the environment, such as formaldehyde, benzene, lead and other harmful chemicals.
(7) Uterine defects such as congenital uterine malformations, submucosal fibroids, and intrauterine adhesions.
(8) Trauma such as squeezing the abdomen or rapid impact, even surgery, excessive sexual intercourse, etc.
(9) Emotional trauma, such as excessive fear, sadness, anger, etc.

Clinical manifestations of threatened abortion

Most patients with spontaneous abortion have a significant history of menopause.
Vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain
The first symptom that appears is usually vaginal bleeding, usually with a small amount of bleeding, often dark red or bloody vaginal discharge, but sometimes it can reach 4 to 5 days to more than a week. Hours to weeks after the onset of bleeding may be accompanied by mild lower abdominal pain or low back pain. After 12 weeks of pregnancy, patients may sometimes experience paroxysmal abdominal pain.
Gynecological examination showed that the cervix was not open, no pregnancy was discharged, and the size of the uterus was consistent with the time of menopause.

Threatened abortion diagnosis

Diagnosis can be made based on medical history and clinical manifestations, and sometimes combined with physical examination or auxiliary examination such as gynecological examination, B-ultrasound, blood hCG, etc. can be used to make a clear diagnosis, and classification of abortion types.
For early pregnancy, especially threatened abortion shortly after menopause, it is mainly to observe the possibility of continuing pregnancy. The main auxiliary diagnostic method is the detection of B ultrasound and blood hCG levels. The blood hCG level has a doubling time during normal early pregnancy, and the blood hCG can be continuously measured to understand the fetal condition. If the blood hCG level rises less than 65% every 48 hours, it may indicate a poor prognosis. At the same time, continuous monitoring of B-ultrasound is also of great significance. If only the fetal sac is seen but the fetus is not seen late or there is a fetus and the fetal heart is not seen late, it may indicate a poor prognosis.

Threatened abortion treatment

In addition to bed rest and sexual life, the treatment of threatened abortion should create an environment conducive to a stable mood and relieve tension. Patients with a history of abortion should be given more spiritual support. Such as pregnant women with low progesterone levels, progesterone support treatment can be used.

Prognosis and prevention of threatened abortion

If vaginal bleeding stops, abdominal pain disappears, and B-ultrasound confirms embryo survival, pregnancy can continue. If the clinical symptoms worsen, B-ultrasound finds embryonic dysplasia, blood hCG does not rise or fall continuously, indicating that abortion is unavoidable and pregnancy should be terminated. Pay attention to rest during the first trimester to avoid overwork. During the first three months of pregnancy, avoid intercourse. Try to avoid contact with toxic and harmful physical and chemical substances in order to avoid threatened abortion.


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