What Causes Lip Dermatitis?
Seborrheic dermatitis [1] refers to hypersecretion of sebaceous glands. It is manifested as fatty scalp, greasy and shiny, and more desquamation. It is more likely to occur in sebum-developed areas. It is a chronic inflammation that occurs on the basis of seborrhea. The damage is bright red or yellow-red patches with greasy surface Scales or crusts are often accompanied by pruritus to varying degrees [2] , which are more common in adults and can be seen in newborns. [1]
Facial seborrheic dermatitis
- Eat some foods containing vitamins A, B2, B6, and E: Because vitamins A, B2, and B6 regulate and suppress the fat secretion of fat. Vitamin E can promote skin blood circulation and improve sebaceous gland function. Foods rich in these vitamins include animal livers, carrots, pumpkins, potatoes, cabbage, sesame oil, and rapeseed oil.
- Appropriate protection: available if seborrheic dermatitis develops. Secondly, to avoid further harm, you can also use some low-sensitivity cream protection
- Pay attention to adjusting your diet in life, eat more vegetables, limit fat- and polysaccharide diets, avoid spicy food, alcohol and other irritating foods, avoid excessive mental stress and local scratching, have a regular life, and maintain enough sleep.
- Seborrheic dermatitis [1]
- If it s just a simple increase in oil secretion, there are no other problems such as red blood vessels, scales,
- The most fundamental and effective way to treat seborrheic dermatitis is to inhibit the abnormal secretion of sebum, reduce the inflammatory response at the skin lesions, detoxify and prevent the release of histamine and histamine receptors, and play an antipruritic role. The use of hormonal drugs in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis is the wrong method, has large side effects and is easy to form drug dependence. The root cause of seborrheic dermatitis is the skin's sensitivity to immune secretion due to differences in seborrheic secretion. Everyone has differences in seborrheic secretion. The core of the treatment is to repair the skin's tolerance, and to get rid of immune rejection against the difference in seborrheic secretion. Recurrence of inflammation.
- Topical drug treatment: Generally used outside of general treatment, because it can directly affect the skin, it has obvious effects and is not easy to relapse. Oral vitamin B drugs are recommended.