What Is Compulsive Sexual Behavior?

The typical symptoms of OCD patients are "compulsive sexual behavior", which is a very typical symptom of self-inner conflict. Due to the existence of such compulsive behaviors and compulsive ideas, the patients' emotional anxiety may sometimes be apparent.

Compulsive sex

If you have OCD, you can now learn the most advanced treatment models. Over the past two decades, behavioral therapy has been extremely effective for OCD. In this manual, you are taught to become your own behavior therapist. Learn some basic obsessive-compulsive disorder knowledge, understand that obsessive-compulsive disorder is derived from physical factors and can be treated. You can suppress the urge to force action and control annoying forceful thinking.
Studies have shown that "exposure and non-response" is an effective way to treat OCD. In addition, patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder learn how to expose themselves under the stimulation of compulsive thought under professional guidance. And learn how to fight forced thoughts and impulses. For example: Instruct a patient who is too afraid of dirt to touch dirty things and forbid washing hands. This technique is called "exposure, non-reaction method". You will learn to avoid habitual forced behavior and replace it with new, healthy behavior.
This booklet basically teaches you how compulsive thoughts and behaviors come about. You can learn how to deal with the anxiety and fear caused by obsessive-compulsive disorder. Dealing with your fears properly can make behavioral therapy more effective. The four steps to be emphasized here are as follows:

Compulsive sex step one, reconfirm

The first step is to learn the thoughts and actions of "recognizing" OCD. Maybe you don't want to do this step at all, but you must work hard and be aware of it in order to understand that the distress at the moment comes from compulsive thoughts or behaviors.
Everyday awareness is almost automatic and superficial. "Whole-hearted awareness" is deeper and more careful, and can only be achieved through focused effort. Keep in mind that changing the brain's biochemical changes to reduce compulsive urges can take weeks or months. If you want to get rid of these obsessive symptoms in minutes or seconds, you will be disappointed! In fact, it will make obsessive-compulsive symptoms worse! In behavior therapy, learn to control yourself from responding to compulsive thoughts, no matter how distracting they are. The goal is to control your response to compulsive symptoms, not to control compulsive thoughts or impulses.
The next two steps are to help you learn new ways to control your behavioral response to compulsive symptoms.

Compulsive sex step two, reattribution

I said to myself, "This is not me, this is obsessive-compulsive disorder!" Obsessive-compulsive thinking is meaningless, and it is the wrong message in the brain. You need to understand deeply why the rush to check or "why my hands are dirty" is so powerful that it is unbearable. If you know these ideas are unreasonable, why should you react to them? Understanding why forced thinking is so strong and why you cannot get rid of it is an important key to strengthening your willpower and strengthening your resistance to forced behavior. The goal at this stage is to learn "reattribution": the source of forced thoughts is the imbalance of brain biochemistry.
There is a place in the brain called the "capsule nucleus", and it is this place that is sick and therefore has obsessive-compulsive disorder. The cephalic nucleus is a place for filtering information, just like a car's transmission. It receives messages from the forebrain, which is a place for planning, thinking, and understanding. Obstructions in the nucleus of the head will cause obsessive-compulsive symptoms, so thinking and movement will not be smooth. The forebrain becomes too active and uses too much energy, just like the car sinks into the mud and keeps turning the tires, but it gets deeper and deeper. The part of the forebrain is called the frontal cortex of the eye, which is trapped in the loach because of incorrect detection of backflow. This may be the reason why obsessive-compulsive disorder makes people have "something weird and lingering." You have to get this car out of the mud. Use the manual gear instead of the automatic gear to repair this malfunctioning transmission. We now know that we can change the biochemical balance of the brain, which takes weeks and months. Understanding the brain's role in causing obsessive-compulsive disorder at this time can help avoid the most frustrating incorrect idea of "want to completely eliminate obsessive-compulsive symptoms." Although you ca nt make a big change right away, remember: You do nt have to respond to obsessive-compulsive symptoms right away! The most effective way is to learn to put obsessive thoughts and feelings aside and then do other things. This can help yourself and change Biochemical reactions in the brain. This is what we call "shifting": do something else! If you try to get rid of compulsive thinking, you will only increase stress and worry, and stress will make obsessive-compulsive disorder worse.
Using "Reattribution" can help you avoid using ritual behavior to make yourself feel better, such as the feeling of completeness. If you know that these forced thinking come from the biochemical imbalance in your brain, you can learn to ignore these impulses and continue to do what you need to do. Remember: "That's not me, that's obsessive-compulsive disorder!" If you resist obedience or resistance, you will change your brain and reduce the feeling of obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you respond to impulse, you may be relieved for a while, but soon it will become more severe. This is perhaps the most important lesson for OCD patients! That will help you avoid becoming nerds or compulsive.
"Reconfirmation" and "reattribution" are often done together, so that patients can have a deeper understanding of the causes of OCD. First notice that obsessive-compulsive disorder is persecuted me, then understand that it is caused by the pathological state of the brain.

Compulsive sex step three, distract

Entering this step is really going to work! The initial psychological construction is: without pain, there is no gain! What you have to do in this step is: you have to shift gears yourself! You use your hard work and concentration to do your brain's natural and easy work. For example, a surgeon brushing his hands before surgery is a natural movement from beginning to end, and he naturally feels that he has enough. But OCD patients brush it again and again, endlessly! The automatic mechanism of his brain has been destroyed, and fortunately doing these four steps can repair it.
Distracting is to divert attention away from obsessive-compulsive symptoms, even for a few minutes. Start by choosing specific behaviors instead of forced hand washing or examinations. Any interesting and constructive action will do. It is best to engage in your own hobbies, such as: walking, sports, listening to music, reading, playing computer, playing basketball, etc.
When you have compulsive thinking, you first "reconfirm" that it is compulsive thinking or impulse, and "reattribution" that originates from your illness-obsessive-compulsive disorder, and then "distract" to do other things. Remember not to fall into habitual thinking, you must tell yourself, "My obsessive-compulsive disorder has happened again, and I must do other actions." You can decide "don't" react to forced thinking. You have to be your own master, don't do OCD slave!
(1) The 15-minute rule:
Distracting is not easy. To disintegrate forced thinking and then do what is required, it takes great effort and pain. But only by learning to resist obsessive-compulsive disorder can the brain biochemistry be changed, and pain will surely be reduced over time. We use the 15-minute rule to delay the reaction for at least 15 minutes. You can start off with a 5 minute delay. The principle is the same: don't react immediately without delay. Note that this is not passive waiting for 15 minutes, but during this time we do "reconfirmation", "reattribution" and "distract attention". Then you do other interesting and constructive activities. After a period of time, evaluate the compulsiveness of obsessive-compulsive disorder to see if the intensity decreases and record it. Encourage and reward yourself even for a small drop. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder often have a mentality of perfection and 100 points, so they are often not satisfied with a little achievement, always thinking that they have not done well enough, so that behavior therapy cannot be successful. The goal is to delay more than 15 minutes. As long as you keep practicing, it will greatly reduce the intensity of OCD. In general, the more practice, the easier it will be. Soon it can be delayed by 20 minutes or more.
(2) As long as you do it, it is important to divert your attention to do other things. Don't expect these thoughts or feelings to go away right away. Don't do what obsessive-compulsive disorder asks you to do. You must stick to the activity of your choice. Such obsessions will weaken or even disappear because of your delay. Even if the impulse is difficult to change, you will still find that you can control your reaction slightly.
Using "whole-hearted awareness" and being a "bystander" will give you more power. The long-term goal of this step is not to respond to OCD. The immediate goal is to delay slightly before reaction. You learn not to let forced thinking decide what you should do.
Sometimes compulsive urges are so strong that you can't stop compulsive sex. But if you keep practicing these four steps, you can expect to change the brain's biochemistry. I often remind myself: "It s not that I feel my hands are dirty and I need to wash my hands, but that obsessive-compulsive disorder is affecting me. This time I won, and I will stay longer next time before I react!" This exercise, even if the last forced behavior It also contains elements of behavioral therapy. It is important to reconfirm that obsessive-compulsive behavior is a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is a kind of behavioral therapy, which is better than just obsessive-compulsive behavior without thinking about it.
Here's a tip for friends who are facing obsessive-compulsive inspection: If your difficulty is checking the door lock, try to lock the door with all your heart. Perceive the impulse to lock the door, and then carefully and slowly lock the door, so that this action is deeply remembered in the heart, for example: "This door is now locked, I see the door is locked!" You get a The deep impression is that the door is locked, so when the compulsive impulse asks you to check the door lock, you can immediately "reconfirm" that is: that is compulsive thought, that is obsessive-compulsive disorder! You can "attribute again", that is: it's not me, it's just my brain doing tricks! You can divert your attention to other things and make sure that you have carefully locked the door.
(3) Recording Behavior Therapy It is also important to record successful distracting behaviors, because you can go back and see which behaviors are most helpful for your distractions. When the listed items achieve the desired results, they can help you build confidence. Records can help you "shift" when your compulsive symptoms are severe, and train yourself to remember what you did in the past. The more successful the experience, the more encouraged I am.
Record only successful experiences, not failed ones. You have to learn to support yourself and give yourself some encouragement, which will greatly help to increase self-confidence.

Compulsive sex step four: re-evaluation

The first three steps are to use the knowledge of existing obsessive-compulsive disorder to help oneself clarify that obsessive-compulsive disorder is a physical disease, that is, the imbalance of the brain's biochemistry, instead of being driven by forced thinking, while diverting attention Constructive behavior. "Reconfirmation" and "reattribution" are linked together, and the next step is "distraction". The overall power of these three steps is greater than the sum of the power of the individual steps. The process of "reconfirmation" and "reattribution" can strengthen "distraction". Before behavioral therapy, you begin to "re-evaluate" those obsessive thoughts and impulses. Wait until the first three steps are properly trained to reduce the value of compulsive thoughts and impulses in a timely manner.
We use the concept developed by the eighteenth-century philosopher Adam Smith: part of the observer to help you better understand the implementation of the four steps. Smith describes that part of the observer is an inner part of us, just like another observer in the heart, this person understands our feelings and state. When we want to work hard to strengthen this part of the observer, we can always ask him to observe his behavior. In other words, we can use the role of a bystander to witness our actions and feelings. As Smith described: "We are observers of our actions."
People with obsessive-compulsive disorder must work hard to cope with obsessive-compulsive symptoms. You have to work hard to maintain the role of the bystander, so that you have the ability to resist pathological impulses until they disappear. You have to understand that obsessive-compulsive symptoms are meaningless and come from the wrong message in the brain, so you must divert your attention and shift gears. You must focus all your energy and always remember, "This is not me, this is my obsessive-compulsive disorder!" Although you can't change your feeling for a while, you can change your behavior. By changing behavior, you will find that your feelings will change as well.
The ultimate goal of reassessment is to devalue the value of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and not dance with them. There are two important points: First, to be mentally prepared: to understand that the feeling of obsessive-compulsive disorder is coming, and to be prepared to bear it, don't be scared. Second, accept it: don't waste energy trying to blame yourself when you have compulsive symptoms. You know where the symptoms come from, and you know how to deal with it. Whatever the content of obsessive-compulsive symptoms, whether it is violence or sex, you know that these symptoms can occur hundreds of times in a day. You don't have to respond every time, as if it was an unpredictable new idea. Refuse to let it hit you, refuse to let it defeat you. By mentally preparing for a forced idea, you can immediately identify it and do reattribution. You can do re-evaluation at the same time. When obsessive-compulsive disorder occurs, you are ready for it. You will know: "That's my ridiculous obsession, it's meaningless, it's just a barrier to my brain, don't pay attention to it. You can learn to jump to the next action, without having to stay on this mind." One step is to "accept" the results of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Don't blame yourself for having weak willpower. In fact, this is all caused by an imbalance in your brain and has nothing to do with you. Avoid all negative, critical thoughts, such as: "How bad is it for people who have this forced thought, ..."

Obsessive-compulsive behavior conclusions

People with obsessive-compulsive disorder must exercise their minds and do not think about obsessive-compulsive feelings. We must know that these feelings are misleading. Change your response to obsessive-compulsive symptoms in a gradual but gentle way and try to fight them. We learned from it that even continuous, compulsive feelings are only temporary, and they will disappear as long as they don't dance with them. Of course, we also remember that when we surrendered to obsessive-compulsive disorder, it will become stronger and stronger and drown us. We must learn to recognize where these compulsive impulses come from and try to fight them. In the four-step process, we lay the foundation for self-control. By combating obsessive-compulsive disorder, we increase self-confidence and experience the feeling of freedom. We have increased our ability to make decisions. Also through affirmative insistence, change the biochemistry of the brain, and then obtain true freedom!


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