What Is Hog Cholera?
Swine cholera, commonly known as swine fever, is an acute, highly contagious and fatal disease to swine. The period of swine fever is generally 3-7 days. Sick pigs have depression, high fever, weakness, poor appetite, nervousness, and erythema-like lesions in the abdomen, underarms, and inner thighs. Most pigs die less than 10 days after the onset of these conditions. Pigs that survived the affected herd had signs of damage to their intestines and lungs. Even pigs infected with attenuated porcine cholera virus can develop chronic swine cholera. If sows are infected with porcine cholera virus or are vaccinated with live virus during pregnancy, they can mutate fetal pigs.
- Commonly known as pig cholera
- Or "Swine Fever", an acute, contact
- Pig cholera. Sick pigs have depression, high fever, weakness, poor appetite, nervousness, and erythema-like lesions in the abdomen, underarms, and inner thighs. Most pigs die less than 10 days after the onset of these conditions. Pigs that survived the affected herd had signs of damage to their intestines and lungs. Even pigs infected with attenuated porcine cholera virus can develop chronic swine cholera. If sows are infected with porcine cholera virus or are vaccinated with live virus during pregnancy, they can mutate fetal pigs.
- Lesion: In acute onset, it is difficult to observe large lesions due to premature death of the pig, but when the disease is longer, it can be seen from the kidney, lymph nodes, bladder, skin, spleen, throat, lung and large intestine To the lesion. Lesions are rarely seen in the heart, liver, small intestine and stomach. Cerebellum and spinal cord nerves may bleed.
- Splenic lesions: 50% of spleen lesions cause porcine arterial infarction. Porcine arterial infarction has obvious features: arteries are red, irregular in shape and raised. Splenic lesions will cause 80% of the lymph nodes to be holistic. The pathological processes of the lymph nodes are: swelling, bright red congestion, subcapsular hemorrhage, and the formation of a thick black hemorrhage that pervades the lymph nodes.
- Lesions on the surface of the skin: purple patches of 1-15 cm in diameter usually appear.
- Renal lesions: Under the sac and deep in the renal cortex, clear spots of 1-5 mm in diameter can be seen (appearing like a fire egg). In dying animals with a longer onset of disease, there is a clear indication that their digestive system is affected. Sick pigs are sometimes accompanied by symptoms of catarrhal inflammation that spread, but this is not a symptom specific to pig cholera. Swine cholera is uniquely characterized by bulbous ulcers in the mucous membranes, especially in the colon.
- If the clinical manifestations of sick pigs are only
- Focus on prevention.
- 1. Strengthen daily management and improve environmental hygiene.
- Swine injections 2. Regular vaccination. In order to eliminate interference from maternal antibodies, the vaccination dose can be increased (2-4 heads / head).
- 3. When swine fever occurs, apply a large dose (10-15 heads / head) of swine fever vaccine in a timely manner to a swine fever or threatened area. Increasing the dose of vaccine is the best way to eliminate maternal antibodies, and it is also an effective measure to prevent atypical swine fever.
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- 4. When swine fever occurs in pig herds, quarantine infected pigs should be quickly quarantined, disinfected with pigs, and treated with anti-swine fever serum in the early stage of the disease, usually once a day for 2-3 consecutive times.