In HTML, What Is a Tag?

Hypertext markup language (foreign language abbreviation: HTML) markup tags are often called HTML tags. HTML tags are the most basic unit of HTML. HTML tags are the most important part of HTML (an application under the standard universal markup language).

html tags

  1. Keywords enclosed in angle brackets, such as <html>
  2. They usually appear in pairs, such as <
    label description
    <! --...--> Define a comment.
    <! DOCTYPE> Define the document type.
    <a> Define the anchor.
    <abbr> Define abbreviations.
    <acronym> Defines only acronyms.
    <address> Define contact information for the author or owner of a document.
    <applet> Deprecated. Defines an embedded applet.
    <area> Defines the area inside the image map.
    <article> Define the article.
    <aside> Define content other than page content.
    <audio> Define the sound content.
    <b> Define bold type.
    <base> Defines the default address or default destination for all links on the page.
    <basefont> Deprecated. Defines the default font, color, or size of text on the page.
    <bdi> Defines the text orientation of the text, away from the orientation setting of the surrounding text.
    <bdo> Define the text direction.
    <big> Defines large text.
    <blockquote> Define long references.
    <body> Defines the body of the document.
    <br> Define simple line breaks.
    <button> Define a push button.
    <canvas> Define the graphic.
    <caption> Define the table title.
    <center> Deprecated. Defines centered text.
    <cite> Define citation.
    <code> Define computer code text.
    <col> Defines attribute values for one or more columns in a table.
    <colgroup> Defines the column groups in the table for formatting.
    <command> Define command buttons.
    <datalist> Define a drop-down list.
    <dd> Defines a description of the item in the definition list.
    <del> Defines deleted text.
    <details> Define element details.
    <dir> Deprecated. Define a directory listing.
    <dl> Define sections in a document.
    <dfn> Define definition items.
    <dialog> Define a dialog box or window.
    <dl> Define the definition list.
    <dt> Define the items in the definition list.
    <em> Define emphasized text.
    <embed> Define external interaction content or plug-ins.
    <fieldset> Defines a border around the elements in the form.
    <figcaption> Defines the title of the figure element.
    <figure> Define groups of media content and their titles.
    <font> Deprecated. Define the font, size, and color of the text.
    <footer> Defines the footer of a section or page.
    <form> Defines an HTML form for user input.
    <frame> A window or frame that defines a frameset.
    <frameset> Define the frameset.
    <h1> to <h6> Define the HTML title, you can change the size of the title.
    <head> Defines information about the document.
    <header> Defines the header of a section or page.
    <hr> Define horizontal lines.
    <html> Define the HTML document.
    <i> Defines italics.
    <iframe> Define the inline frame.
    <img> Define the image.
    <input> Define input controls.
    <ins> Defines the text to be inserted.
    <isindex> Deprecated. Define searchable indexes related to documents.
    <kbd> Defines keyboard text.
    <keygen> Define the generated key.
    <label> Defines the annotation of the input element.
    <legend> Defines the title of the fieldset element.
    <li> Define the items of the list.
    <link> Define the relationship between the document and external resources.
    <map> Define image mapping.
    <mark> Defines marked text.
    <menu> Define the menu list.
    <meta> Defines meta information about HTML documents.
    <meter> Defines metrics within a predefined range.
    <nav> Define navigation links.
    <noframes> Define alternative content for users who do not support the framework.
    <noscript> Defines alternative content for users who do not support client-side scripting.
    <object> Defines an embedded object.
    <ol> Define an ordered list.
    <optgroup> Defines a combination of related options in a selection list.
    <option> Define the options in the selection list.
    <output> Define some types of output.
    <p> Define a paragraph.
    <param> Define the parameters of the object.
    <pre> Defines preformatted text.
    <progress> Define the progress of any type of task.
    <q> Define short references.
    <rp> Defines what is displayed if the browser does not support ruby elements.
    <rt> Defines the interpretation of ruby annotations.
    <ruby> Define ruby annotations.
    <s> Define strikethrough text.
    <samp> Define computer code samples.
    <script> Define the client script.
    <section> Define a section.
    <select> Define a selection list (drop-down list).
    <small> Defines small text.
    <source> Define the media source.
    <span> Define sections in a document.
    <strike> Deprecated. Define strikethrough text.
    <strong> Define emphasized text.
    <style> Defines style information for the document.
    <sub> Define subscript text.
    <summary> Define visible titles for the <details> element.
    <sup> Define superscripted text.
    <table> Define the table.
    <tbody> Define the body content in the table.
    <td> Define the cells in the table.
    <textarea> Defines a multi-line text input control.
    <tfoot> Define the note content (footnote) in the table
    <th> Defines header cells in a table.
    <thead> Defines the header content in the table.
    <time> Define the date / time.
    <title> Defines the title of the document.
    <tr> Define the rows in the table.
    <track> Defines the text track used in the media player.
    <tt> Define typewriter text.
    <u> Defines underlined text.
    <ul> Define an unordered list.
    <var> Defines the variable part of the text.
    <video> Define the video.
    <wbr> Define the video.
    <xmp> Defines preformatted text.
    Differences between HTML5 and HTML4
    HTML new parsing order new elements [2] : section, video, progress, nav, meter, time, aside, canvas, input
    New attributes of the element: date and time, email, url
    New common attributes: ping, charset, async
    Global attributes: id, tabindex, repeat
    Removed elements: center, font, strike


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