The file extension (also known as the file extension) is a mechanism used by the operating system to mark file types. Generally, an extension follows the main file name and is separated by a delimiter. An extension can be thought of as a type of metadata. [1]
File extension (Filename Extension, or extension file name , suffix ) is early
Practical application
Open \ edit
I. Documents
Only when
Learning Object Code Library File
Xi: The source code of the Chinese version of the C language " Xi "
Object code library file
Interface: Chinese version of the C language source interface source code
A object code library file
AAUAAuto programming language source code file
APROJ Quick Hand (AAuto Programming Language) Project File
AAM Authorware shocked file
AAS Authorware shocked package
ABF Adobe Binary Screen Font
ABK CorelDRAW Auto Backup File
ABS This type of file is sometimes used to indicate an abstract (just like an abstract or synopsis in a scientific article, taken from abstract)
ACCDB Access2007 database file
ACE Ace Compressed File Format
ACL CorelDRAW 6 keyboard shortcut file
ACMWindows system directory file
ACP Microsoft Office Assistant Preview File
ACR American University of Radiation Medicine file format
ACT Microsoft office assistant file
ACV OS / 2 driver for compressing or decompressing audio data
AD After Dark screen saver
ADA Ada source file (non-GNAT)
ADB Ada source file body (GNAT); HP100LX organizer's contract database
ADD OS / 2 adapter driver for boot process
ADF Amiga Disk File
ADI AutoCAD Device Independent Binary Plotter Format
ADM After Dark multi-module screen saver; Windows NT policy template
ADR After Dark random screen saver; Smart Address's address book
ADS Ada Source File Specification (GNAT)
AEP Adobe After Effects Project File
AFM Adobe Font Scale
FlowChat files for AF2, AF3 ABC
AI Adobe Illustrator format graphics
AIF, AIFF Audio Interchange File, Sound Format for Silicon Graphic and Macintosh Applications
AIFC compressed AIF
AIM AOL Instant Messaging
AIS ACDSee Graphics Sequence File; Velvet Studio Device File
AKW RoboHELP help project all A-keywords
ALAW European Phone Audio Format
ALB JASC Image Commander Photo Album
ALL Art and Letters Library
AMS Velvet Studio music module (MOD) file; Extreme Tracker module file
ANC Canon Computer's palette file containing a series of optional color palettes
Animated cursor in ANI Windows
ANS ANSI text file
Game files saved in ANT SimAnt For Windows
API Application Design Interface file used by Adobe Acrobat
APK Android Apps
APR Lotus Approach 97 file
APSMicrosoft Visual C ++ file
ARC LH ARC Compressed Archive File
ARI Aristotle sound file
ARJ Robert Jung ARJ compressed file
ART Xara Studio painting files; Canon Crayola art files; Clip Art file format; another ray tracing format; AOL's marker files compressed with Johnson-Grace compression algorithm
ASA Microsoft Visual InterDev file
ASC ASC text file; PGP algorithm encrypted file
ASD Microsoft Word auto-save file; Microsoft advanced streaming FORMat (ASF) description file; Velvet Studio example file can be opened with NSREX
ASE Velvet Studio Sample File
ASF Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format File
ASM assembly language source files, Pro / E assembly files
ASO Astound Dynamite Object File
ASP dynamic webpage file; ProComm Plus installation and connection script file; Astound introduction file
CTL is usually used to represent a file containing control information; it is used by FaxWork to hold information about each fax received or sent
CUE Microsoft Prompt Data File
CUR Windows cursor file
CUT Dr Halo bitmap file
CV Corel version archive; Microsoft CodeView info screen file
CWK ClarisWorks data file.
CWS ClarisWorks Module
CXT Macromedia Director protected (non-editable) projection file
CXX C ++ source code files
D Object Code Library File
DAT data files; WrodPerfect merged data files; for some MPEG format files
DB Borland's Paradox 7 table
DBC Microsoft VisualFoxPro Database Container File
DBF dBASE files, a format created by Ashton-Tate, can be ACT! , Lipper, FoxPro, Arago, Wordtech, Xbase, and similar database or database related product identification; available data files (can be opened by Excel 97); Oracle 8.1.x table space files
DBX DataBearn image; Microsoft Visual FoxPro form file
DCM DCM module format file
DCR shock wave file
DCS Desktop Color Delimited File
DCT Microsoft Visual FoxPro Database Container
DCU Delphi compilation unit file
DCX Microsoft Visual FoxPro database container; PCX-based fax image; macro
DC5 DataCAD drawing file
DDF Btrieve or Xtrieve data definition file, which contains metadata used to describe the Btrieve or Xtrieve file
DDIF Digital Equipment or Compaq format for saving their image and word processing documents
DEF SmartWare data file; C ++ module definition file
DEFI Oracle 7 uninstall script file
DEM file used to represent the USGS datum of the digital height model
DER certification
DEWF Macintosh Sound Cap / Sound Edit recording device format
Model files in the Grand Theft Auto series developed by DFF ROCKSTAR GAMES
DGN Macintosh 95 CAD Drawing File
DIB device independent bitmap
DIC Catalog
DIF data interchangeable spreadsheet
DIG DigiLink format; Sound Designer audio file
DIR MacromediaDirector file
DIZ description file
DLG C ++ dialog script file
DLL dynamic link library
DLS downloadable sound files
DMD Visual dBASE Data Module File
DMF X-Trakker Music Module (MOD) File
DOC FrameMaker or FrameBuilder document; Word Star document, Word Perfect document, Microsoft Word2003 document; DisplayWrite document
DOCX Microsoft Word 2007 document
DOT Microsoft Word document template
DPL Borland Delph3 compression library
DPR Borland Delphi Engineering Header
DRAW Acorn object-based vector image file
DRV driver
DRW Micrografx Designer / Draw; Pro / E drawing file
DSF Micrografx Designer VFX file
File saved by DSG DOOM
DSM Dynamic Studio Music Module (MOD) File
DSP Microsoft Developer Studio project file
DSQ Corel QUERY (Query) File
DST Embroidery Machine Graphic File
DSW Microsoft Developer Studio workspace file
STARS data file for DTA Word Bank (World Bank)
DTD SGML Document Type Definition (DTD) file
DTED ground height digital data (graphical data format) file
DTF Symantec Q & A related database data files
DTM DigiTrakker Module File
DUN Microsoft dial-up network export file
DV Digital Video File (MIME)
DWD DiamondWare Digitized File
DWG AutoCAD drawing file; AutoCAD or Generic CADD old version drawing format
DXF interchangeable drawing file format, binary DWG format text representation; data exchange file
DXRMacromedia Director protected (non-editable) movie file
D64 Commodore 64-bit Analog Disk Image File
E object code library file
E easy language source code file
EC Easy Language Module
EDA Ensoniq ASR Disk Image
EDB Easy Language Database
EDD element definition document (FrameMaker + SGML document)
EDE Ensoniq EPS disk image
EDK Ensoniq KT Disk Image
EDQ Ensoniq SQ1 / SQ2 / Ks32 Disk Image
EDS Ensoniq SQ80 Disk Image
EDV Ensoniq VFX-SD Disk Image
EFA Ensoniq ASR file
EFE Ensoniq EPS file
EFK Ensoniq KT file
EFQ Ensoniq SQ1 / SQ2 / Ks32 file
EFS Ensoniq SQ80 file
EFV Ensoniq VFX-SD file
EMD ABT Expansion Module
EMF Windows Enhanced Metafile
EML Microsoft Outlook Express Mail Message (MIME RTC822) File
ENC Playback File
ENFF Neutral File Format Extension
EPHTML Perl explains enhanced HTML files
EPS compressed PostScript image
EPSF Compressed PostScript File
ERIERWin file
ERR File used to store error messages when RobooHELP help compiler attempts to compile a help system source file
EPXERWin file
ESPS ESPS audio file
EUI Ensoniq ESP Family Compact Disk Image
EVY Envoy Document
EWL Microsoft Encarta Document
EXC Microsoft Word Forbidden Word Dictionary
EXE executable file (program)
F object code library file
F2R Farandoyle linear module format
F3R Farandoyle Block Linear Module Format
F77 FORTRAN file
F90 FORTRAN file
FAR Fradole Composer Music Module (MOD) file
FAV Microsoft Outlook Navigation Bar
FAX fax type image
FBK Navison Financial Backup
FCD Virtual CD-ROM
FDB Navison Financial Database
FDF Adobe Acrobat Form Document File
FEM CADRE finite element network file
FFA, FFL, FFO, FFK Microsoft Quick Find File
FFF GUS PnP Bank File Format
FFT final format text (part of IBM's DCA)
FH3 Aldus Freehand 3 Drawing File
FIF Fractal image file
File format used by FIG REND386 / AVRIL
FITSCCD camera image; flexible image transmission system
FLA Macromedia Flash Movie
FLC Autodesk FLIC Animation File
Format produced by FLF Corel Paradox: Navison Financials license file; OS / 2 driver file
PLI Autodesk FLIC Animation
FLT StarTrekker music module (MOD) file; file format used by MultiGen Inc's Open Flight; Corel filter file
FM Adobe FrameMaker Document
FMB Binary source code file for Oracle version 4.0 or later forms
FML file mirror list (GetRight)
FMT Oracle 4.0 or later text format; Microsoft Schedule + print file
FMX Oracle version 4.0 or later executable forms
FND Microsoft Explorer Search File (Find applet)
FNG font set file (Font Navigator, Font Navigator)
FNK Funk Tracker module format
FOG Fontographer module font
FON system font
FOT font related files
FP FileMaker Pro file
FP1 Flying Pigs for Windows data file
FP3 FileMaker Pro file
FPT FileMaker Pro file; Microsoft Fox Pro note font file
FPX FlashPix bitmap
FRM forms; Frame Maker or Frame Builder documents; Oracle executable forms (version 3.0 or earlier); Visual Basic forms; WordPerfect Merge forms; DataCAD logo report files
FRT Microsoft FoxPro report file
FRX Visual Basic form text; Microsoft FoxPro report file
FSF fPrint Audit Tool file format
FSL Borland's Paradox 7 forms; Corel Paradox saved forms
FSM Parandoyle sample format
FT Lotus Notes full text index
FTG full text search group file, generated by Windows help system to find-can be deleted and rebuilt when needed
FTS full text search citation file, generated by Windows help system when finding
GCP Ground Control Point (GCP) files are used to form the image data from the perspective data, and are often used to generate graphics projectsthese are used by the CHIPS (copenhagenimage processing system)
GDB InterBase Database File
GDM Ringtone, Whistle, and Soundboard Module Format
GED GEDCOM pedigree data file, a popular format for recording and exchanging pedigree data; graphic environment document drawing
GEM GEM metafile
Text files generated by GEN Ventura
GetRight GetRight Unfinished Download File
GFC Patton & Patton FlowCharting 4 flowchart file
GFI, GFX Genigraphics graphic link presentation file
GHO Norton clone disk image
GID Windows 95 global index file (including help status)
GIF CompuServe bitmap file
GIM, GIX Genigraphics graphics link presentation file
GKH Ensoniq EPS Family Cluster Disk Image File
GKS Gravis Grip Key Document
GL animation format
GNA Genigraphics graphic link presentation file
GNT generated code, executable code in Micro Focus attribute format
GNX Genigraphics graphics link presentation file
GRA Microsoft Graph file
GRD is a format file used to generate maps for remote scene data. It is usually used to form map projectsCHIPS (copenhagenimage processing system) uses these files.
GRF Grapher (Golden Software) graph file
GRP Program Management Group
GSM Raw GSM 6.10 audio stream; Raw "byte aligned" GSM 6.10 audio stream; US Robotics voice modem
GSP geometry sketchpad (The Geometer's Sketchpad & reg, general mathematics and physics teaching environment) file
GTJ GTJ2018 file
GTK Graoumftracker (old) Music Module (MOD) file
GT2 Graoumftracker (new) Music Module (MOD) file
GWX, GWZ Cenigraphis graphic link presentation file
GZ UNIX gzip compressed file
H object code library file
HC program header file
HCM IBM HCM configuration file
HCOM sound tool HCOM format
HCR IBM HCD / HCM Product Configuration File
HDF Advanced Computer Application Local Center (NCSA) geospatial Hierarchial data format file
HED HighEdit Document
Game files saved in HEL Microsoft Hellbender format
HEX Macintosh BinHex 2.0 file
HGL HP Graphics Language Drawing File
HH mapping files, including some topic IDs and mapping numbers of topics in the help file systemallows running applications to send users the appropriate context help topic HLP help files; Date CAD Windows help files
Dark Forces WAD file by HOG Lucas Arts
HPJ Visual Basic Help Engineering
HPP C ++ program header files
HPX is a Macintosh binary file that has been converted to ASCII text and can be transmitted over the Internet.
HQX Macintosh BinHex 4.0 file
HST history file
HT HyperTerminal
HTM, HTML Hypertext Document
HTT Microsoft Hypertext Template
HTX Extended HTML Template
HXM Descent2 HAM file extension
I object code library file
ICA Citrix file
ICB Targa bitmap file
ICC Kodak Printer Format File
ICL Icon Library File
ICM graphic color matching profile
ICNS Macintosh icon
ICO Windows icon
IDB MSDev Middle Tier File
IDD MIDI device definition
IDF MIDI device definition (files required by Windows 95)
IDQ Internet Data Query File
IDX Microsoft FoxPro related database index file; Symantec Q & A related database index file; Microsoft Outlook Express file
IFF interchange format file; Amiga ILBM
IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Documentation
IGF insert system metafile
IIF QuickBooks for Windows Exchange File
ILBM bitmap graphic file
IMA WinImage Disk Image File
IMG GEM image
IMZ WinImage compressed disk image file
INC assembly language or dynamic server include files
INF information file
INI initialization file; "nwsynth.ini" GMS installation of MWave DSP Synth; Cravis Ultrasound bank installation
INP Oracle version 3.0 or earlier form source code
INRS INRS telecommunications audio
INS InstallShield installation script; X-Internet signature file; Ensoniq EPS cluster equipment; Cell / MAC / PC sampling equipment
INT intermediate code, when a source program is compiled after a syntax check to generate an executable code
IOF Findit documentation
IPA Apple App
IQY Microsoft Internet Query File
ISO lists files on CD-ROM according to ISD 9660 standard for CD-ROM file system
ISP X-Internet Signature Document
IST Digital Tracking Device File
ISU InstallShield uninstall script
ISZ compressed ISO file
IT Pulse Tracking System Music Module (MOD) File
ITI Pulse Tracking System Equipment
ITS Pulse Tracking System Sampling, Internet Document Location
File formats used in IV Open Inventor
IVD more than 20/20 microdata dimension or variable grade file
IVP user profile over 20/20
IVT more than 20/20 table or collection data files
IVX more than 20/20 microdata catalog files
IW Idlewild screen saver
IWC Install Watch document
J Object Code Library File
J62 Ricoh Camera Format
JAR Java archive (a compressed file for applets and related files)
JAVA Java source files
JBF Paint Shop Pro image browsing file
JMPDiscovery Form Statistics File for JMP SAS
Jill of the Jungle data file for JN1 Epic MegaGames
JPE, JPEG, JPG JPEG graphics files
JS javascript source file
JSP HTML page with a reference to a Java servlet
JTF JPEG bitmap file
JSON is a lightweight data exchange format.
K object code library file
K25 Kurzweil 2500 Sample File
KAR KaraokeMIDI file (text + MIDI)
KDC Kodak light booster
KEY DataCAD icon toolbar file
KFX KoFak Group 4 image file
KIZ Kodak Digital Postcard File
KKW RoboHELP helps the engineering index designer to start with all keywords that have nothing to do with K
OSD SoftGrid Program Description (Softricity, Inc.)
OSF Distribution Bin File
OSF Descent 3 Sound File (Outrage Entertainment)
OSF Opera Skin (Opera Software ASA)
OSG OSG321 Software Application Data File
OSI Osiris Database (The Shmoo Group)
OSI SunNet OSI Description File (Sun)
OSL OckamSoft Log File (Ockam Instruments, Inc.)
OSS Office Saved Search (Microsoft)
OST Exchange Offline File (Microsoft)
OST Outlook Offline File (Microsoft)
OST Tivoli Storage Manager File (IBM)
OTBNokia Phone Graphics Editor (Nokia)
P object code library file
PAL: compressed file
PART: Go! Zilla partial download file
PAS: Pascal source code
PCS: PICS animation file
PDF: Adobe Acrobat exportable document format file (displayable by Web browser); Microsoft Systems Management Server package definition file; NetWare printer definition file
PHP, PHP3: HTML pages with PHP scripts
PHTML: HTML pages containing PHP scripts; HTML interpreted by Perl
PM5: Pagemaker 5.0 file
PM6: Pagemaker 6.0 file
PNG: Graphic file
PPS: Microsoft Powerpoint Slideshow
PPT: Microsoft Powerpoint2003 presentation
PPTX: Microsoft Powerpoint2007 presentation
PRF: Windows system files, Macromedia director settings files
PSD: Adobe photoshop bitmap file
PSM: Protracker Studio model format; source data files for Epic games
PST: Microsoft Outlook Personal Folder File
PWL: Windows 95 password list file
PZA MGI PhotoSuite II / III / 4 Album File (Sonic Solutions)
VSN Windows 9x / NT Virusafe version file, used to keep all the information in the directory, when a file is accessed, the information is compared with the VSN information to ensure that they are consistent
VSS Visio template file
VST Targa bitmap
VSW Visio Workspace File
VXD Microsoft Windows Virtual Device Driver
X object code library file
XSDXML Schema describes the structure of an XML document