What Is a Secure Operating System?

A secure operating system refers to a computer information system that satisfies the corresponding ten aspects of autonomous access control, mandatory access control, marking, identity authentication, guest usage, auditing, data integrity, covert channel analysis, trusted paths, and trusted recovery. Safety technical requirements.

Secure operating system

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A secure operating system refers to a computer information system that satisfies the corresponding ten aspects of autonomous access control, mandatory access control, marking, identity authentication, guest usage, auditing, data integrity, covert channel analysis, trusted paths, and trusted recovery. Safety technical requirements.
Chinese name
Secure operating system
Computer information system
Autonomous access control, mandatory access control
Security audit; security domain isolation
Secure operating system
The main features of a secure operating system: 1. The principle of least privilege, that is, each privileged user has only the power to perform his work; 2. Autonomous access control; mandatory access control, including confidential access control and integrity access control; 3. security Audit; 4. Security domain isolation. With these bottom-level security functions, all kinds of "application software" viruses, Trojan horses, network intrusions, and man-made illegal operations can be truly resisted, because they violate the operating system's security rules and lose their operation. The basics.


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