What Is Canonicalization?
Normalization theory is used to transform the relational model, and to resolve the unsuitable data dependencies by decomposing the relational model, in order to solve the problems of insert exception, delete exception, update exception, and data redundancy.
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- " Standardization " is defined as: "In social, economic, technological and scientific and management practices, the repetition of things and concepts is achieved through the formulation, publication and implementation of standards (specifications, procedures and systems) to achieve the best Order and social benefits. "
- Minimum-maximum normalization The minimum-maximum normalization maintains the connection between the original data. If future inputs fall outside the original data range of A, the method will face an "out of bounds error".
- Z-score normalization when the actual maximum and minimum values of the attribute f are unknown, or
- Decimal scaling normalization Decimal scaling normalization is normalized by moving the decimal point position of attribute A.