What Is File Locking?
A read-only file means that this document can only be opened for viewing, and cannot be modified or stored. In addition to read-only files, there are also titles for system files (System), archive files (Archive), and hidden files (Hidden).
Read-only file
- This is because it is turned on
- The so-called "
- How to
- There are two cases of read-only files:
- One is a function provided by the windows system, which can be viewed and modified with the right-click attribute. Setting the file as read-only prevents accidental manipulation or modification of the file. For example, the boot configuration file boot.ini of the Windows XP system is generally set to read-only to prevent viruses or artificial tampering from causing the system to fail to boot.
- Another is a function provided by specific software, which can set the file as read-only and attach a password, and also prevent the work from being tampered with. For example, Excel-type documents have such a function.
- When a file can have multiple such "tags", these are the properties of the file in the final analysis, you can add or remove them as you wish.