What Is Birch Lumber?
Birch (scientific name: Betula) generally refers to about 100 species of trees and shrubs of the genus Birch. The edges of simple leaves are jagged or lobed, and the fruit is a small samara. The birch bark is smooth, resin-containing, white or variegated, has transverse pores, and is usually stripped horizontally into thin slices. The bark of the old trunk is thick and deep grooves, cracking into irregular fragments. The young tree's short, slender branches are lifted up and have a narrow tower-shaped crown. Birch wood is light brown to reddish brown and is used as flooring, furniture, pulp, interior decoration materials, vehicle and boat equipment, plywood, etc. Cold-resistant and fast-growing, more immune to diseases and insect pests, used for reforestation, control soil erosion, protective cover or conservation trees. Most require moist, fertile sand or loam, sowing and grafting. Spread throughout the cold regions of the northern hemisphere.
- Growing in the northern hemisphere, birch is one of the earliest trees formed after the glacier retreated. Cold-resistant and fast-growing, more immune to diseases and insect pests, used for reforestation, control soil erosion, protective cover or conservation trees.
- Yang Yehua,
Birch elector
- [Odor]: (Wood Bark) Bitter, flat and non-toxic.
- Indications: 1. The beginning of the milk palate (swelling, painful, hard, unbroken).
- Use birch bark for storage, grind to the end, give a spoonful of warm wine. After taking the bed rest. One serving works.
- 2. Pulmonary wind sore (sores all over the body, as well as urgency, itching on the face, acne on women, etc.).
- Use birch bark ash forty-two, burn tadpole shell (remove) for four or two, nepeta spike two or two, burn licorice half for two, and grind to the end; use almond (boiled, peeled) for two or two, grind to Mud and mix thoroughly with the powder. For two yuan per serving, take after meals and adjust warm wine. Those who are ill, take the medicine three times, and the name is Hua Hua San.
- 3. Small cases are hot and short. And birch boiled into juice to drink.
Birch Indications
- In practical applications, the leaf juice of birch is an excellent mouthwash for oral wounds. For thousands of years, the sap of birch has been used to prepare medicinal wine, and the tea leaves have a diuretic effect. Because it has astringent effect, it is also one of the ingredients in lotions and ointments. Birch can also help with rheumatic joints, gout and skin infections.