What Is Catuaba Bark?
Catuaba is considered a proven aphrodisiac in Brazilian plant medicines today. In the United States, phytopharmacists and health care professionals use Catuabga to improve sexual function, promote the central nervous system, and tonics for non-drug impotence. A famous British medicinal plant researcher, Michael van Straten, said: This is a major breakthrough in the treatment of male impotence. And there is no evidence that it has any side effects even after long-term use.
Carbatus Juniper Capsules
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- Catuaba is considered proven in Brazilian plant medicines today
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- Infertility treatment
- Infertility (decreased sperm quality)
- Among hundreds of andrological diseases, male infertility is a large category. In our ancient country, infertility has always been blamed on women, especially in rural areas. In fact, men account for many factors in infertility. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, 60 to 80 million couples worldwide suffer from infertility, and the male factor accounts for about 50%, mainly due to the lack of FT testosterone in the male body. In recent years, there have been reports in the literature at home and abroad that the quality of male sperm has declined. The Danish scholar Shaqbacker analyzed the semen of 1,500 men in 21 countries around the world. Reduced by 40%.