What Is the Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle?

Cerebellar infarction is a disease that occurs in the head. The main causes are vertebral-basal artery abnormalities and cardiogenic emboli. It is of clinical significance to find the lesion and accurately locate it by nuclear magnetic resonance (MRI) examination.

Cerebellar infarction

Cerebellar infarction is a disease that occurs in the head. It is mainly caused by vertebrobasilar abnormalities and cardiogenic emboli.
1. There are many causes of cerebral infarction. The most important reason is arteriosclerosis. Other factors include hypertension, smoking, improper diet, lack of physical exercise, diabetes, excessive drinking, excessive waist and hip ratio, and excessive Mental stress and so on. 2. The main high-risk group of cerebral infarction is the elderly group of 50 to 60 years old. 3.
Clinically, cerebellar infarction is generally divided into three types: benign, pseudo-tumor and coma. No matter which type of cerebellar infarction will have clinical phenotypes such as dizziness, unstable gait, nausea and vomiting, but the latter two In addition to the cerebellar syndrome, hemiplegia can even be associated with coma.
1. Check vital signs.
2. The patient is aware of the consciousness. The patient can lie on his back with his head slightly back to open the airway without the need for pillows. If necessary, cover with cotton blankets to keep warm.
3. Patients who are unconscious should maintain a sleeping position to keep the airway unobstructed. Do not place pillows.
4. When a patient with cerebral infarction vomits: Face to one side and let him vomit.
5. Do not allow patients to eat or drink without the doctor's permission.
Rehabilitation includes body function training, such as physical function, speech, swallowing, and stool.
For daily rehabilitation
(1) Diet care. Patients should be given high-calorie, digestible liquid foods; those who cannot swallow should be given nasal feeding. Nasal feeding food can be milk, rice soup, vegetable soup, broth and fruit juice. In addition, milk,
1. Take medicines on time and return for regular medical examinations
2. Reasonable diet and maintenance of cerebral blood vessels
3. Correcting bad habits in life
Poor living habits and work schedules are important incentives for the recurrence of cerebral infarction.
4. Active exercise and weight control. [4]


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