What Are the Common Causes of an Allergic Reaction on the Eyelids?
Eyelid inversion is mainly caused by the shrinkage of the palpebral conjunctiva or meibomium due to certain scars after some lesions, which can occur on the upper and lower eyelids. The other type of varus is mostly seen in the elderly, mainly due to senile claudication changes in eye insurance. In addition, congenital abnormalities can also cause varus. This disease often coexists with eyelid cellulite, which is common in infants and young children, and most often in the lower eyelid.
Eyelid inversion
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- Eyelid inversion is mainly caused by the shrinkage of the palpebral conjunctiva or meibomium due to certain scars after some lesions, which can occur on the upper and lower eyelids. The other type of varus is mostly seen in the elderly, mainly due to senile claudication changes in eye insurance. In addition, congenital abnormalities can also cause varus. This disease often coexists with eyelid cellulite, which is common in infants and young children, and most often in the lower eyelid.
- 1. Physical: Caused by trauma. The itchiness caused by blepharitis makes the cat's masochistic scratching worsen the symptoms.
2. Chemical: caused by chemical burns, allergies and autoimmune diseases.
3. Microbial infections: primary infections of bacteria and fungi, or the spread of meibomianitis, conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, dacryocystitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and pus dermatosis.
4. Parasites: Demodex or cat mite parasites enter the eyelid skin.
5. Medical originality: Continue to use the medicine which makes the cat unbearable, and make it self-abusive scratching.
- Such as suture correction, this method is best suited for congenital tarsal varus.
There is also the method of orbicularis shortening, which is suitable for senile varus inversion. This method is mainly to shorten or fold the orbicularis muscle to increase the lower eyelid and anterior orbit. The strength of the orbicularis.
The other treatment method is skin orbicularis resection, which is only suitable for congenital ectropion or mild ectropion.