What Are the Signs of Autism in Babies?

Infant autism was the first report of 11 special cases by Leo Kanner, a child psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins University in the United States in 1943. At that time, it was named "early onset infant autism." This disease, also known as autism, is the most common form of generalized developmental disorder. [1]

Autism disorder is a representative disease of generalized developmental disorder. Its prevalence is about 2/10000 to 5/10000 of the child population (according to DSM-IV). Some people think that this is a more serious prevalence, but more common are mild patients. Earlier, it was thought that children with higher socioeconomic levels had a higher prevalence of their children. Later studies have shown that this is due to bias. The male to female ratio is about 4: 1 to 3: 1, but girls are generally more severe. [2]
In 1980, the third edition of the Diagnostic and Classification Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) for the first time classified several disorders similar to the clinical symptoms of autism into widespread developmental disorders in the classification of mental illness. In 1982, Chinese scholar Professor Tao Guotai reported for the first time four cases of autism in the magazine. In 1989, the second edition of the Chinese Classification and Diagnostic Standard for Mental Disorders (CCMD-2) classified autism as child mental illness. In 1994, the second revised edition of the Chinese Standard for Classification and Diagnosis of Mental Disorders (CCMD-2-R) clearly classified autism as a generalized developmental disorder. [1]
The cause of autism is unknown. Possible causes include the following:
genetic factors
Cognitive dysfunction and speech retardation are more common in autistic families than in non-autistic families, and the heritability of autism in children is 90%; sibling sibling rates are 50 times that of the general population. It reached 95.7%, far lower than the incidence of single-gene genetic diseases. The susceptibility of children with autism to second- and third-degree relatives was 0.18% and 0.12%, respectively. Candidate genes related to autism are probably located on sex chromosomes, chromosomes 7, 15, and 17 and may be related to
The onset of the disease is within 36 months, and the main clinical manifestations are three major categories of core symptoms, namely, social interaction disorders, communication disorders, narrow interest, and stereotypical repetitive behavior.
medical treatement
Medication is only used to improve mental symptoms and has no effect on core symptoms.
  1. Antipsychotics
It is mainly used to improve various psychiatric symptoms of children with autism. The commonly used drugs are peripronone, haloperidol, perphenazine and other drugs. For the dosage, please refer to related literature.
2. Antidepressants
It can improve the changes of refusal, repetitive behavior, self-harm behavior, aggressive behavior and emotional symptoms in children and adults with autism. The main drugs are sertraline and fluvoxamine.
3. Central stimulants
Children with autism often have hyperactivity and attention disorder. Therefore, this class of drugs can be used for the treatment of children with autism accompanied by symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. .
4. Other drugs
Naltrexone is an opioid blocker that can reduce hyperactivity, improve attention, reduce irritability, aggressive behavior, and reduce self-injury.
Education Training
At present, education and training are very important in the absence of drugs to cure children with autism. Only sufficient education and training can promote the development of children's abilities in all aspects, promote the social adaptation of children, improve the quality of life of children, and reduce the burden on families.
For each child with autism, an individualized education program (IEP) is adopted, the purpose is to provide individualized education programs for each student receiving special education, emphasizing the principles of individual differences, teaching according to talents, and people-oriented principles, which reflects the greatest extent The development needs of each child with autism, and the education and training implemented in accordance with the plan or program have also greatly promoted the development of all aspects of the child's ability. [1]
Lovaas training method: This method was pioneered by Dr. Ivar Lovaas of the United States and uses behavioral treatment principles and methods to intensify early intervention for children with autism. That is, the one-on-one intensive intervention group for 40 hours each week achieved the best results. Not only can it develop obedience to instructions, imitation, receptive and expressive language, integration and communication with peers, etc., but also can promote the development of the above-mentioned ability of children, correct inappropriate behaviors of children, and make children as normal as possible. Direction.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) : A method of early intensive intervention for children with autism by using behavioral therapy principles and methods. It is based on various principles and methods of behavioral therapy, but has been developed and innovative. Complete, standardized operating system, steps, and methods. This method is mainly used for one-on-one education and training of children with autism over 2 years of age. Its basic operation is called a turn-based operation teaching method, that is, when each teaching round is implemented, it includes 5 basic elements: instruction, assistance, React, strengthen, and pause. [1]
Structured Education (TEACCH): A personalized education and training program created by Eric Schople in 1970. It aims to improve mutual understanding, communication and communication between children with autism, family and society, acquire communication skills with the crowd, and teach them How to make choices and decisions in life.
Sensory integration training
Children with autism often have sensory abnormalities and sensory integration disorders, such as dullness, tactile allergy, auditory allergy, and vestibular dysfunction. The correct perception of the external environment and its own state and the good integration of different sensations are the basis for children's advanced cognitive activities and good learning ability. Therefore, it is important to train sensory integration in children with autism. Sensory integration training can not only improve sensory abnormalities and sensory integration disorders in children with autism, but also reduce children's excessive activity, increase children's interest in the surrounding environment, increase attention, and promote children's speech and social interaction Capacity development. [1]
Auditory integration training
Auditory integration training (AIT) is a method invented by French physician G. Berard for the treatment and rehabilitation of some diseases caused by hearing problems. It allows subjects to listen to modulated music to correct hearing system imbalances in sound processing and stimulate brain activity, thereby achieving the goal of improving speech, communication, emotional disorders, and behavioral disorders. [1]
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
The theoretical basis of the picture exchange communication system is still Skinner's operational conditioning, focusing on the initial part of communication, suitable for preschool children who have no language development and cannot use language for social communication, and use non-verbal communication for compensation Way to pass information. Communication is initiated by children. It is natural, meaningful, and highly motivated. It has a strong reward and is easily accepted by children. The training effect is fast and has a specific effect on each child. Wide range of applications, easy for teachers, therapists and family members. [1]
Floor time
Aiming at the children's deficiencies in social interaction, they use children's natural and interested guidance techniques to interact with children to create a focused and intimate relationship, establish a two-way purposeful communication, and encourage emotional expression. Feel and think, build logical thinking. [1]


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