What Is 3D CAD?

There are many kinds of 3D drawing software, such as: 3Dsmax, rhino, cinema 4D, zbrush, poser, silo & modo, maya, Softimage XSI 5.01, 3d mechanical drawing software-VariCAD, mold 3D software Pro / E, UG, AutoCAD, etc., among them 3DSMAX It is widely used in construction, and Pro / E, UG, which are used in 3D drawings of mold manufacturing, can also be used as a reference for CNC programming.

3D drawing software

There are many kinds of 3D drawing software, such as: 3Dsmax, rhino, cinema 4D, zbrush,
[3dsmax] Computerized 3D model making and rendering software from Autodesk, USA. The software was named 3DS in the early days. Because it is similar to the DOS era, it needs to remember a large number of commands. Due to inconvenience, it was later changed to max. For convenience. Max experienced version code and release date :
3D Studio DOS MS-DOSTHUD 1990
3D Studio DOS 2 MS-DOS 1992
3D Studio DOS 3 Windows / MS-DOS 1993
3D Studio DOS 4 Windows / MS-DOS 1994
3D Studio MAX 1.0 WindowsJaguar April 1996
3D Studio MAX R2 WindowsAthena September 1997
3D Studio MAX R3 WindowsShiva June 1999
Discreet 3dsmax 4 WindowsMagma July 2000
Discreet 3dsmax 5 WindowsLuna July 2002
Discreet 3dsmax 6 Windows July 2003
Discreet 3dsmax 7 WindowsCatalyst August 2004
Autodesk 3ds Max 8 WindowsVesper September 2005
Autodesk 3ds Max 9 WindowsMakalu October 2006
Autodesk 3ds Max 2008 WindowsGouda October 2007
Autodesk 3ds Max 2009 WindowsJohnson April 2008
Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 WindowsRenoir March 24, 2009
Autodesk 3ds Max 2011 WindowsZelda March 10, 2010
Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 Windows March 4, 2011
Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 Windows March 27, 2012
Autodesk 3ds Max 2014 Windows March 27, 2013
Autodesk 3ds Max 2015 Windows 2014
Now it has developed to version 9.0 and above, and gradually improved lighting, material rendering, model and animation production. Widely used in architectural design, 3D animation, audio and video production and other static and dynamic scene simulation production.
PRO / E drawing software, mainly for 3D drawing, can produce 3D graphics and generate
UG is the abbreviation of Unigraphics and is a trade name. This is an interactive CAD / CAM (Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing) system, which is powerful and can easily implement the construction of various complex entities and shapes. It is primarily based on workstations.
UG Introduction
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The development of UG started in July 1990. About ten people are now working on core functions. The current version has about 450,000 lines of C code.
UG is a flexible software tool for numerically solving partial differential equations developed using adaptive multigrid methods on unstructured grids in two and three dimensions. Its design idea is flexible enough to support multiple discrete schemes. So the software can be reused for many different applications.
Effective simulation of a given process requires knowledge from applied fields (natural science or engineering), mathematics (analysis and numerical mathematics), and computer science. Some very successful techniques for solving partial differential equations, especially adaptive mesh refinement and multi-grid methods have been studied by mathematicians in the past decade. The tremendous advances in computer technology, especially the development of large-scale parallel computers, have opened up many new possibilities.
However, the use of all these technologies in complex applications is not too easy. This is because combining all of these methods requires enormous complexity and interdisciplinary knowledge. Eventually the software implementation became more and more complex, beyond the scope of one person's management.
The goal of UG is to provide a flexible and reusable software foundation for solving complex application problems using the latest mathematical techniques, namely adaptive local grid encryption, multiple grids, and parallel computing.
General structure
A large software system like UG usually needs to be described at different levels of abstraction. UG has three design levels, namely architectural design, subsystem design, and component design.
At least at the structure and subsystem level, UG is designed using a modular approach and the principle of information hiding is widely used. All stated information is distributed among the various subsystems. UG is implemented in C language.
Figure 1 shows the detailed structure design. The building blocks are DDD: Dynamic Distributed Data Library, UG kernel, problem class and application.
Figure 1: UG structure design
DDD programming mode
Provides a parallel programming model for dealing with irregular data structures and distributed objects on parallel machines. It deals with basic tasks such as identification (creation) of distributed objects, communication between distributed objects, and dynamic transfer of distributed objects. A separate version of this tool is available, and portability is guaranteed by providing interfaces to Paragon NX, PARIX, T3D / T3E shared mem, MPI, and PVM.
UG kernel program
The UG kernel program is intended to be independent of the partial differential equation to be solved. It provides geometric and algebraic data structures and many grid processing options, numerical algorithms, visualization techniques, and user interfaces.
Of course, every programming abstraction is based on some basic assumption. The grid management subsystem is currently written to support only hierarchical grids. The data structure itself can support a more general loosely coupled grid hierarchy. Parallelization is based on data partitioning with minimal overlap.
The UG kernel program has the following characteristics:
Flexible area description interface. Since UG can generate / modify meshes, it requires a geometric description of the area boundaries. Two formats are currently supported and work on the CAD interface is ongoing.
A manager that supports two- and three-dimensional unstructured grids with multiple metatypes, such as triangles, quadrilaterals, tetrahedrons, prisms, prisms, and hexahedrons. Storage and loading of the full grid structure and solution for restart.
Local, hierarchical encryption and coarsening. Provide a consistent and stable triangle meshing at each mesh level.
A flexible sparse matrix data structure allows degrees of freedom for nodes, edges, faces, and elements corresponding to the mesh. In the data structure, one and two BLAS-like processes and iterative methods have been implemented.
A wide range of numerical algorithms for problem-free and object-oriented frameworks have been implemented. Including BDF (1), BDF (2) time step scheme, (inexact) Newton method, CG, CR, BiCGSTAB, multiplicative local multi-grid, different types of grid transfer operators, ILU, Gauss-Seidel, Jacobi And SOR smoother. These algorithms can be used in systems of equations and scalar equations. They can be arbitrarily nested into simple script commands. For example, BDF (2) uses the Newton method to solve nonlinear problems at each time step. The Newton method uses multiple meshes with BiCGSTAB acceleration. Multiple meshes use one ILU. The smoother and special truncated mesh transfer, coarse layer solver suitable for jump coefficients use an ILU preconditioned BiCGSTAB.
The scripting language interpreter and interactive graphics tools provide a simple visualization tool of the program at runtime. Further, for example, sparse matrix data structures can be given graphically, which is useful for debugging. UG's device driver supports X11 and Apple Macintosh. Graphical output to AVS, TECPLOT and GRAPE is also provided.
The data parallel implementation of this function is based on DDD.
Problem class hierarchy
A problem class uses the UG kernel program to implement discretization, error estimators, and ultimately a non-standard solver for a class of special partial differential equations. You need to provide a solver only if you cannot implement it with any of the tools provided. Discretization can be supported by tools that allow element types and dimensions to be independent of finite element and finite volume method codes.
Problem classes based on the latest version of the UG kernel program include: scalar convection diffusion, nonlinear diffusion, linear elasticity, elastoplasticity, incompressibility, density-driven flow in porous seepage, and multiphase. All these problem classes run 2D / 3D and are parallel.


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