How Do I Treat Irregular Menstrual Bleeding?
Menstrual disorders, also known as irregular menstruation, are a common gynecological disease, manifested by abnormal menstrual cycles or bleeding volume, which can be accompanied by abdominal pain and systemic symptoms during and before menstruation. The cause may be organic disease or dysfunction.
- nickname
- Irregular menstruation
- English name
- menstrual disorder
- Visiting department
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Common causes
- Abnormal mood, cold, dieting, etc.
- Common symptoms
- Menstrual cycle or bleeding disorder, may be accompanied by premenstrual and menstrual abdominal pain
Basic Information
Causes of menstrual disorders
- 1. Menstrual disorders caused by abnormal mood
- Emotional abnormalities, such as prolonged mental depression, stress, or major psychological stimuli and psychological trauma, can cause menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea. This is because menstruation is formed by the hormone secreted by the ovaries acting on the endometrium, and the hormone secreted by the ovary is controlled by the pituitary and hypothalamus releasing hormones, so whether the function of the ovaries, pituitary or hypothalamus is abnormal, it will affect Menstruation.
- 2. Cold irritation causes less menstruation or even amenorrhea
- Women's menstrual periods are stimulated by the cold, which will cause the blood vessels in the pelvis to contract too much, which can cause less menstruation and even amenorrhea. Therefore, women's daily life should pay attention to preventing cold and dampness during menstruation.
- 3. Irregular menstruation caused by dieting
- Adolescent menstruation can only occur when adolescent girls have at least 17% of their body weight, and their body fat must reach at least 22% of their body weight in order to maintain a normal menstrual cycle. Excessive dieting, due to insufficient energy intake in the body, causes a large amount of fat and protein to be consumed in the body, resulting in a significant lack of estrogen synthesis, affecting menstrual cramps, and even menstrual loss or amenorrhea. Therefore, women who are seeking to be slim must not be blind Diet.
- 4. Tobacco and alcohol cause menstrual disorders
- Some components of cigarettes and alcohol can interfere with menstrual-related physiological processes and cause menstrual disorders. Among women who smoke and drink too much alcohol, 25% to 32% go to the hospital for treatment due to menstrual disorders. Among women who smoke more than 1 pack a day or drink more than 100 ml of high-alcohol liquor, menstrual disorders are three times as many as those who do not smoke. Therefore, women should not smoke and drink less alcohol.
Clinical manifestations of menstrual disorders
- Disturbances of the menstrual cycle or the amount of bleeding are as follows:
- Irregular uterine bleeding
- This is a clinical symptom that includes: excessive menstruation or long duration or dripping bleeding. Common in uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps, endometriosis and other diseases or dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
- 2. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
- Refers to the absence of significant organic lesions on the internal and external genitals, and abnormal uterine bleeding caused by disorders of the endocrine regulatory system. It is the most common type of menstrual disorders. It is common in adolescence and menopause. Divided into ovulation and anovulation, about 85% of cases are anovulatory dysfunction.
- 3. Amenorrhea
- It is a common symptom in gynecological diseases and can be caused by a variety of reasons. Amenorrhea is usually divided into two types: primary and secondary. Anyone who has not had menstruation after the age of 18 is called primary amenorrhea; after menarche, at any time before normal menopause (except pregnancy or lactation), those who have stopped menstruation for more than 6 months are called secondary amenorrhea .
- 4. Menopause
- Menopause means the end of menstruation, which means that menstruation has stopped for more than 12 months. However, perimenopause often changes the menstrual cycle and menstrual volume. It is characterized by shortened menstrual cycle, mainly shortened follicular period, anovulation and increased menstrual flow.
Menstrual disorders check
- 1.B-ultrasound
- Reflect the condition of the uterus, ovary and pelvis.
- 2. Cytological examination
- Exfoliated cell examination to check ovarian function and exclude cervical malignant lesions.
- 3. Biopsy
- Determine the nature of the lesion, mostly used for the diagnosis of tumors.
- 4. Endocrine measurement
- Currently, hypothalamus, ovarian, thyroid and adrenal glands can be measured such as follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin, estrogen, progestin, testosterone, triiodothyronine, tetraiodothyronine, thyroid stimulating hormone Corticosteroids. Simple methods commonly used in clinics to understand ovarian function include vaginal smears, cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and endometrial biopsy.
- 5.X-ray inspection
- Uterine lipiodol angiography can understand the uterine cavity, with or without submucosal fibroids or polyps. The lateral view of the sphenoid saddle can reveal the presence or absence of pituitary tumors.
- 6. Hysteroscopy or Laparoscopy
- Observe the pathological changes of the uterine cavity and pelvic organs.
- 7. Other
- Examination of liver, kidney function and blood system as appropriate. Do a chromosome check if necessary.
Diagnosis of menstrual disorders
- Diagnosis is mainly based on medical history, physical examination and auxiliary examination. During the diagnosis, it is important to exclude bleeding caused by systemic or female genital pathologies, such as hematopathy, liver and kidney failure, thyroid dysfunction, pregnancy and related diseases, reproductive tract damage, infections and tumors.
Menstrual disorders treatment
- 1. Cause-oriented treatment
- For pathological reasons, corresponding treatments need to be performed for their specific causes.
- 2. Hemostasis and correction of anemia
- Caused by long menstrual periods and heavy menstrual flow. In addition to general hemostatic measures, hormones or curettage can be used as appropriate to stop bleeding. She was given oral blood-supplement drugs or infusions.
- 3. Adjustment period
- Single or combined estrogen and progesterone cycle treatments can be used, as well as traditional Chinese medicine.
- 4. Infertility
- Anovulation due to dysfunction of one or more links in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis is one of the pathophysiological basis of menstrual disease and one of the causes of infertility. It is an urgent problem for many patients. Although some patients have ovulation, their corpus luteum is inadequate and can cause infertility. Choose different treatments according to the patient's condition, improve ovarian function or replace some functions of pituitary and hypothalamus.
- 5. Reduce the occurrence of menstrual disorders
- Before puberty, you should learn and understand some health common sense, have a correct understanding of the physiological phenomenon of menstrual cramps, eliminate fear and nervousness. Menstrual period should pay attention to keep warm, avoid cold stimulation; pay attention to rest, reduce fatigue, strengthen nutrition, and enhance physical fitness; try to control severe emotional fluctuations, avoid strong mental stimulation, and maintain a happy mood.