What Are the Different Types of Suture Materials?
Suture material refers to sutures used to close tissue and ligate blood vessels. There are two types of absorption and non-absorption. Absorbable sutures are mainly sheep gut (gut). There are two types: ordinary and chromium. They are stored in sterile glass or plastic tubes after chemical sterilization. Ordinary bowel line absorbs about 7 days and can be used for ligation and suture of small animal skin. The chrome intestine line begins to be absorbed in 2 to 3 weeks. The urethral, bladder, uterus, and gastrointestinal mucosa are usually sutured with chrome intestine lines of 0 to 3 to 0. It is not used for pancreatic surgery. Does not absorb sutures, including silk, cotton, stainless steel, synthetic threads, etc. [1]