What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance is a technology that uses external material waveforms and internal material waveforms to resonate with each other to detect allergens. It originated in Germany and is now gradually used in China.

Biological resonance

Bioresonance is a technology that uses external material waveforms and internal material waveforms to resonate with each other to detect allergens. It originated in Germany and is now gradually used in China.
The main features are fast detection and accurate results. It not only overcomes the shortcomings of long and low accuracy methods such as puncture and blood extraction, but also avoids the side effects of long-term oral medication on the human body.
For diseases with allergic symptoms, the effective rate of systemic treatment is 83%, and the total cure rate is 48.89%. No adverse reactions and side effects have been found in the current treatment.


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