What Is Ear Reconstruction?
Ear reconstruction is a very complicated operation with many methods, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The ear is made of skin and cartilage scaffolds, so ear reconstruction must consider these two factors first. Ear scaffolds are generally considered to be the most ideal for autologous costal cartilage; skin is best treated with hairless skin behind the ear mastoid area.
Ear reconstruction
- Regarding the cause of microtia, it is generally believed that abnormal events in early pregnancy such as viral infection, medication, mental stimulation, etc., or experience of radiation and environmental pollution can cause microtia deformity. However, current research shows that no factor can play a leading role, such as environmental pollution. We have treated many children of Qinghai-Tibetan herders, and it is unlikely that it was caused by environmental pollution. Current research seems to indicate that microtia is a sporadic, random event, and parents must understand that this deformity is not caused by the mother before or during pregnancy. The recurrence rate in relatives is only 5%, which means that it is basically not inherited. In our case, there are also 10 identical twins. The genetics should be exactly the same. One is microtia and the other is normal, which fully indicates that the microtia symptoms are not genetically caused.
- The whole ear reconstruction surgery uses the expanded ear area skin, which is thin and increases in area, to provide a good reconstructed ear flap. It uses autologous rib cartilage, sculpts a cartilage scaffold in the shape of the healthy ear, and uses a small piece of cartilage to overlay Behind the auricle bracket, the reconstructed ear has a distinct auricle cavity, a realistic shape and a three-dimensional auricle shape.
- The skin expansion method combined with the autocostal cartilage transplantation method can achieve good results. The specific method of this operation is: the first stage: implanting a skin dilator along the mastoid area behind the ear; the second stage: removing the skin dilator to form an expanded skin flap and a subcutaneous tissue fascia flap, which will be carved from the rib cartilage The ear stent is implanted between the two flaps, and is connected with the residual ear lobe below. As a result, reconstructed ears with substantially the same shape as the normal auricle are formed. [1]
- There is also a difference in the size of the normal population. If the mouth angle exceeds the vertical line of the inner cornea or the pupil, the mouth fracture is larger, but the sides are symmetrical and the mouth angle is natural. It is not suitable for surgery. Otherwise, skin scars, mouth corners, and deformities will appear. Women should avoid lactation during menstrual periods, preferably one week after menstruation.