What Is a Suspensory Ligament?

The lens ligament is a structure in which the ciliary muscle pulls the lens.

Suspensory ligament

The lens suspensory ligament is a structure in which the ciliary muscle pulls the lens.
The lens suspensory ligament is a structure in which the ciliary muscle pulls the lens. With the ciliary muscle contraction and relaxation, the lens curvature is adjusted to achieve the normal refractive function of the eyeball.
Penile suspensory ligament is one of the ligaments that fix the penis. This ligament is located in the deep part of the penile ligament and is triangular in shape. It consists of dense fiber bundles. It starts from the lower part of the anterior and inferior part of the pubic bone and attaches to the penile fascia.
Suspensory ligament A set of arched fibers that hold the breast to the chest wall.
Also known as the pelvic funnel ligament. It is one of the fixed devices of the ovary. It is a fold formed by the peritoneum from the pelvic margin to the end of the fallopian tube of the ovary. It contains ovarian blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerve plexus, connective tissue and smooth muscle fibers.


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