What Are the Laws of Library Science?

The Five Principles of Library Science are the basic principles of library science advocated by Indian library scientist Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan in 1931, which succinctly delineates all levels of library profession. With the changes of the times, the library management has also been constantly seeking new changes. Therefore, in 1995, American scholars W. Crawford and M. Gorman synthesized the theories of many scholars and proposed new five principles of library science (Five New Laws of Library Science).

Five Principles of Library Science

First Law: Books are for use
The ultimate purpose of library interviews is to provide readers with
1. The location of the library should be located in the center of the community it serves, and general branches and service stations should be set up to eliminate obstacles to distance and facilitate readers to make full and free use.
2. Library opening hours should be as convenient as possible for readers to use the library.
3. Library furniture should be as comfortable and convenient as possible.
4. Librarians should have keen judgment, enrich subject knowledge and receive professional training, and have psychological knowledge to understand interpersonal communication skills, in order to recommend the right books to the right readers in the right way at the right time.
Second Law: Every reader has his book
The use of books should be universal (Books are for all), and should not be affected by factors such as class, identity, gender, area of residence, physical condition, age and other factors. Therefore, the government authorities should provide sufficient funds and legislation to guarantee equal rights to use books, and the library authorities should make better use of the funds, enrich the collections, hire competent librarians, and make the collections fully effective.
Third Law: Every book has its reader
Libraries should strengthen the following services to fully circulate their collections:
1. Adopt an open shelf system to facilitate readers' free browsing and increase the opportunities for books to reach readers.
2. Arrange the shelves according to the theme, provide new book display, highlight the novelty of the collection, put recommended signs on the bookshelves to attract readers' attention, and the height of the bookshelves and the arrangement of the shelves are based on the principle of convenience for readers.
3. Emphasize the effectiveness of the catalog, and make titles and subject references to increase the circulation of books.
4. The reference librarian should assist readers in finding the required books.
5. Attract potential readers to become real users of the library.
Fourth Law: Save the time for the reader
Appropriate, rapid, thorough, and timely are the principles that save readers time. Sorting and sorting and opening shelves can save readers the time to find the books they need. A comprehensive thematic analysis catalogue can help readers to exhaust all relevant information. It will use frequent collections at the entrance and establish eye-catching sign guidance systems to speed up readers. Find the right books in time.
Fifth law: the library is a growing organism
This is the driving force of the five disciplines. The growth of the library is mainly manifested in three aspects:
1. Books. Due to the innovation of publishing technology, the publishing volume of books has increased sharply, and the impact has been affected. The space and furniture of the library have continued to grow, and the classification table should be revised and updated accordingly.
2. The popularity of readers, education, and library services have increased the number of readers.
3. Librarians, books and readers grow, and relatively more libraries are required to provide services.
The balanced growth of books, readers and librarians is exactly the source of the endless life of the library.
1.Library service humanity
2. Respect all forms by which knowledge is communicated
3. Protect free access to knowledge
4.Use technology intelligently to enhanced service
5. Honor the past and create the future


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