What Are B Symptoms?

Vitamin B is also called vitamin B, which is a general term for B vitamins. They often come from the same food source, such as yeast. Vitamin B is an essential part of the body's metabolism. Each type of vitamin B participates in key metabolic reactions and usually exists in the form of coenzymes.

Vitamin B group includes vitamin B 1 (thiamine), vitamin B 2 (
There are other substances also called vitamin B, but please note that some of them are other names of the essential human vitamins, and some are not human essential vitamins, [1]
Main physiological functions:
1. Helps metabolism of sugars, fats and proteins to release energy
2. Nutrients needed to make blood
3. Important enzymes for energy metabolism
4. Help food digestion and absorption
5. Help the liver detoxify and help the body tissues use oxygen
6. Remove toxins such as alcohol and nicotine, protect the liver
7. Maintain normal nervous system, relieve headache,
1. Vitamin B family must be supplemented daily. Because the vitamin B family
Vitamin B 1 is widely present, especially seed rinds, animal offal, lean meat. Not much in vegetables and fruits.
Vitamin B 2 animal liver, milk, eggs, beans and green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin B 3 is widespread, especially liver, milk, eggs, vegetables, yeast, mushrooms, broccoli, whole grains and some fruits
Vitamin B 5 is widespread, especially the liver, milk, eggs, vegetables and all protein-containing foods
Vitamin B 6 is widespread, especially liver, milk, egg yolk, vegetables, fish, whole grains, beans
Vitamin B 7 is widespread, especially liver, milk, egg yolk, vegetables, yeast, fruits, brown rice
Vitamin B 12 is derived from animal foods, liver, egg yolk, meat, shellfish, milk and dairy products.
Vitamin B 9 animal liver, kidney, eggs, beans, yeast, nuts, leafy vegetables and fruits
Modern people are increasingly deficient in vitamin B
The blind pursuit of refined diet has led to fewer and fewer B vitamins being taken from food; in addition, due to excessive intake of sugars and fats, the need to maintain B vitamins to promote metabolism; and, life Fast-paced, stressful, and staying up late also need to consume a lot of B vitamins. Therefore, vitamin B deficiency is very common.
Vitamin B family has important effects on the nervous system, cardiovascular system, hematopoietic function, reproductive system, vision, relief of stress, improvement of hair quality and skin, etc. If B vitamins are lacking or incompletely supplemented, it is extremely prone to a variety of conditions, Such as beriberi, dermatitis, glossitis, dermatitis, eczema, hair loss, pernicious anemia, extreme fatigue, fat metabolism disorders, loss of appetite, nausea, depression, gastrointestinal ulcers, etc.
Vitamin B group is soluble in water, it is easily metabolized, it can hardly accumulate in the body for a long time, and it must be replenished daily. The vitamin B family is excreted mainly through sweat and urine. Drinking plenty of water, sweating, and urination increase in summer, so in the summer, people are more likely to lack vitamin B family. For example, people are more prone to fatigue, sleepiness, and depression in summer, and this is why. [2]
Yeast: The Source of the Complete Natural Vitamin B Family
"In fact, almost only the four foods of yeast, liver, rice bran, and malt contain the complete vitamin B family." (From Adler Davis's "The Concept of Nutritional Science of Eating") Among them, yeast is the most abundant , The ratio is more reasonable. Moreover, the B vitamins in yeast exist in the form of phosphate esters, which are more easily absorbed and utilized by the human body. If you have used some expensive natural vitamin B family, you may wish to go home and take a closer look at the description in its manual, all will indicate that it is derived from specially cultivated yeast.


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