What Are the Most Common Causes of Late Menstruation?

Delayed menstruation, that is, delayed menstruation, also known as "poor menstruation", "after menstrual error", "menstrual period", etc., is a common type of menstrual disorders. Women's menstrual cycle is generally 21 to 35 days, with an average of 28 days. It is still within the normal range about 7 days in advance or postponed, and the cycle length varies from person to person. However, if there is no menstruation after 7 days, it means that the menstruation is delayed. Various factors affecting the central nervous-hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary axis of the female and the uterus may cause the menstrual period to be delayed. It can occur during the ovulatory menstrual cycle, or it can occur during the anovulatory menstrual cycle. Women of childbearing age find that menstrual periods are delayed by more than 10 days, and pregnancy should be ruled out first.

Basic Information

Delayed menstruation, wrong menstruation, menstrual period
Visiting department
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Common causes
Pregnancy, chronic diseases, mental factors, etc.
Common symptoms
Menstrual delay> 8 days with nausea, obesity, hairiness, forgetfulness

Cause of delayed menstruation

After menstruation is delayed for 10 days, you can go to the hospital for a urine pregnancy test. If it is positive, it is likely to become pregnant, and there will be some other symptoms such as chills, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting.
2. Drugs
Taking progestin-containing drugs, such as progesterone, emergency contraceptives, etc., can cause prolonged luteal phase and delay menstruation. New-generation gastrointestinal drugs may also cause menstrual periods to be delayed.
3. Caused by surgery
Such as intrauterine surgery caused by the adhesion of the uterine cavity or cervix and menstrual blood can not be discharged, thus delaying menstruation.
4. Endocrine disorders
Obesity, excessive dieting, impermanence, premature ovarian failure, and polycystic ovary syndrome can all cause endocrine disorders in women and delay menstruation.
5. Chronic diseases
Chronic hepatitis, tuberculosis, tumors, hypothyroidism, severe anemia, lack of vitamin E, etc. often cause delayed menstruation.
6. Mental factors
Mental stress such as stress, stress, and environmental changes can all cause delayed menstruation.

Delayed clinical manifestations during menstruation

Delayed menstruation
The menstrual cycle is wrong for more than 8-9 days, and even reaches menstruation every 40-50 days. If the delay is no more than 7 days and there are no other symptoms, it is not considered as the disease.
2. Accompanying symptoms and signs
(1) Pregnancy If pregnancy leads to delayed menstruation, it may be accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy, nausea, and vomiting;
(2) Often accompanied by a variety of symptoms and signs of primary disease Polycystic ovary syndrome can manifest as obesity, hairy, acne, infertility; hypothyroidism is often accompanied by indifferent expression, memory loss, slow response, non-depression Edema, anorexia, bloating, constipation, etc.

Postpone check-up

Postponing menstruation by about a week is normal. If you have sex, use condom contraception, and the condom has not broken, overflowed, etc., the possibility of pregnancy is unlikely. The self-test rate of early pregnancy test strips is also low. Close observation is recommended. Menstrual extension is about 10 days. You can go to the hospital for a blood HCG test to determine whether you are pregnant.
After ruling out pregnancy, the necessary laboratory and auxiliary examination methods should be selected according to the specific condition: ovarian function examination. Pituitary function test. B-ultrasound to understand whether there are polycystic changes in the ovaries. Magnetic resonance examination of pituitary microadenomas. CT examination of the saddle to understand the presence of pituitary adenomas.

Delayed diagnosis during menstruation

1. Inquire in detail about past medical history, recent surgery history, medication history.
2. Make a diagnosis based on the results of laboratory tests. The main reason is to clarify the cause and distinguish between organic or functional menstrual delay.

Delayed treatment during menstruation

First exclude the external factors that affect menstruation, and you can observe for a period of time. If the symptoms still do not improve, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time to determine the cause, so that the targeted treatment can be made early. Chinese medicine conditioning and diet therapy can be used.

Menstrual delay prevention

There should be regular rules in daily life, pay more attention to rest, avoid overwork, especially prevent cold and dampness during menstruation. Prevent excessive dieting, maintain a comfortable mood, strengthen exercise and improve physical fitness.


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