What is Pregnancy Gingivitis?

Gingivitis during pregnancy is gingivitis that has specific symptoms during pregnancy. According to statistics, the incidence of pregnant women is about 50%. The clinical symptoms are total gingivitis, especially the papillary swelling between teeth, which is dark red, shiny, and soft. In severe cases, there may be ulcers and pseudomembrane formation. There was mild pain. Gingivitis during pregnancy usually occurs 2 to 4 months after pregnancy, and childbirth disappears. If gingivitis is present before pregnancy, symptoms can be exacerbated. Therefore, pregnant women with pre-symptoms must do a good job of oral health care in a timely manner.

Gingivitis during pregnancy

Gingivitis during pregnancy is gingivitis that is characteristically symptomatic during pregnancy and is also known as
It can be characterized by gingivitis before pregnancy, with obvious symptoms from 2-3 months of pregnancy, and about 2 months after delivery, gingivitis can return to pre-pregnancy levels by itself; symptoms can occur in a few teeth or full mouth gums, before The dental area is the main area. The gingival margin and gingival nipples are bright red or cyanotic, soft, shiny, swollen, and hypertrophic, and gingival pockets are formed, which is easy to bleed when lightly explored. Gingival tumors occur during pregnancy
Pregnant women do not pay attention to maintaining oral hygiene, resulting in
Women of childbearing age have bright red gums, are highly edema and hypertrophy, and are prone to bleeding and other symptoms, or those with gingival tumor characteristics during pregnancy, should ask about menstruation, if you are pregnant, you can diagnose.
Remove all local irritants such as plaque,
1. Regularly check in the dental department, focusing on early prevention and treatment, and do good oral health care.
2. Treatment of oral disorders: The period of miscarriage in pregnant women is generally in the first 3 months after pregnancy, and 3 to 7 months of pregnancy is the most appropriate period for treating oral disorders.
3. Adhere to oral hygiene: The mother's oral cavity during pregnancy is often unclean for a variety of reasons and affects the process of periodontal disease. Therefore, it is very important to keep the oral cavity clean, especially to strengthen oral hygiene after eating. .
4. Nutrition: The mother during pregnancy needs nutrients more than usual to maintain the mother's overall health, including oral tissues; changes in hormone levels can lead to malnutrition in the oral cavity at home.


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