What Is Severe Abdominal Bloating?
Bloating is a common digestive symptom, not a disease. It can be subjectively feeling a part of the abdomen or full abdomen, usually accompanied by related symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, belching, etc .; it can also be an objective inspection, such as the discovery of a part of the abdomen or full abdominal distension. The causes of abdominal distension are mainly found in gastrointestinal flatulence, ascites caused by various reasons, and abdominal tumors.
Basic Information
- Visiting department
- Gastroenterology
- Common causes
- Gastrointestinal organ disease, stress, etc.
- Common symptoms
- Bloating, accompanied by constipation, diarrhea, etc.
- Contagious
- no
Causes of bloating
- 1. Gastrointestinal flatulence caused by gastrointestinal organ diseases (including gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, pancreatic, etc.).
2. Excessive fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity.
3. Abdominal mass or organ capsule expansion.
4. Too much gas is produced during food or drug metabolism.
5. Stress (including psychological, infection, etc.).
6. Pleural and abdominal effusion caused by other system diseases (heart, kidney, endocrine, nerve, blood, etc.).
Clinical manifestations of bloating
- The severity of bloating varies, from mild to severe and uncomfortable. Changes in circadian rhythm are a common feature of abdominal distension. In most patients, abdominal distension develops progressively during daily activities and tends to decrease or disappear after rest at night. Diseases associated with bloating include constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, eating disorders and obesity, flatulence, and organic diseases (including some malignant tumors).
Bloating test
- 1. Physical examination varies according to the cause (cause) of abdominal distension. General flatulence shows abdominal distension. Patients with functional diseases are generally in good condition; those with malabsorption syndrome have signs of malnutrition such as weight loss, anemia, and rough skin; frequent swallowing can be observed in patients with asthma.
2. Laboratory tests (1) An increase in the white blood cell count in peripheral blood indicates an infectious disease.
(2) Positive urine protein indicates nephritis or nephrotic syndrome. Elevated bilirubin may have liver disease.
(3) Eosinophils decrease or disappear, suggesting the possibility of typhoid fever.
(4) Persistent positive fecal occult blood often indicates gastrointestinal tumors.
(5) Liver function test: diagnostic value for acute and chronic hepatitis.
(6) Ascites puncture examination: Routine examination of ascites can be determined as leakage or exudate. Sometimes a small amount of fluid is withdrawn by abdominal puncture to determine inflammation, hemorrhage, perforation of the digestive tract, or biliary tract. Tumor cells may be found in the paracentesis of patients with malignant tumors undergoing peritoneal metastasis.
3. Radiographic examination of the abdominal X-ray film can reveal diffuse bowel dilatation, gas-liquid level, and diffuse blurring of ascites suggestive of intestinal obstruction or pseudo-obstruction. Gastrointestinal angiography, gastroscopy and colonoscopy, ultrasound, and CT scans can help diagnose organic diseases.
4. Gastrointestinal function test is helpful to diagnose the cause of bloating. Exhaust gas analysis, gastrointestinal transit time, sugar digestion test can be used.
Bloating diagnosis
- 1. Whether the patient has a history of abdominal surgery, ulcer history, etc. If diabetic patients should pay attention to gastroparesis, fever, night sweats, cough and bloating should pay attention to intestinal tuberculosis.
2. Physical examination Generally, flatulence will cause abdominal distension.
3. The auxiliary examination can make corresponding diagnosis based on laboratory inspection, imaging inspection, etc.
Bloating treatment
- 1. Primary disease treatment is mainly aimed at primary disease treatment.
2. General treatment to reduce swallowing food and limit the intake of gas-producing foods, such as onions and celery. Keep defecation unobstructed.
3. Drug treatment (1) Dimethicone promotes the rupture of thick foam layers and fluid flow, and reduces bloating.
(2) Activating agents can be used to treat patients with gastrointestinal hypofunction.
(3) The enzyme preparation can promote the decomposition of food residues with incomplete enzymatic digestion.
(4) Probiotics and prebiotics can improve the intestinal micro-ecological environment, reduce gas production, and reduce the symptoms of bloating.
4. For those with severe abdominal distension, use anal canal exhaust, gastrointestinal decompression, appropriate oxygen inhalation, etc., can also apply hot abdomen, and apply turpentine to umbilical.