What Is a File Format?
File format (or file type) refers to the special encoding method used by computers to store information, and is used to identify internally stored materials. For example, some store pictures, some store programs, and some store text messages. Each type of information can be stored in computer storage in one or more file formats. Each file format usually has one or more extensions that can be used to identify it, but it may not have an extension. The extension can help the application recognize the file format.
- Some file formats are designed to store special data, such as:
- From a program perspective, files are data streams, and the file system specifies the access method for each file format. For example: metadata. Different operating systems use their own methods to solve this problem, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.
- Of course, modern operating systems and applications generally require the methods described here to handle different files.
- Many file formats have
- use
- A widely used in
- The last way is to save the file format information to a specific location on the disk.
- In this way,
- Apple Computer's file system stores the creator and type code for each file's directory entry. These codes are called OSType. For example, the creator of a file created by Apple Computer will be AAPL and the type is APPL. The RISC operating system uses a similar system, describing the table with a 12-bit digital index. For example: FF5 in hexadecimal stands for PoScript,
- Magic Number (Foreign Language:
- HPFS, NTFS, FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32 file systems can save additional file attribute information. It consists of a name and a value corresponding to the name. For example, the extended attribute ".type" is used to determine the type of the file, and the value may include "Plain Text" or "HTML document". A file can have multiple attributes.
- Multipurpose Internet Mail Expansion (Foreign Language Abbreviation:
File format
- Xi: Chinese C language source code
File format connection
- Interface: Chinese C language source interface source code
7 File format 7
- 7Z: 7-Zip format compressed file
A File format A
- AAC: MPGE-4 Advanced Audio Coding
- ACC: Exclusive Music Format for Apple Devices
- ACE: Ace Compressed File Format
- ACT: Microsoft office assistant file
- AIF, AIFF: Audio Interchange File, Sound Format for Silicon Graphic and Macintosh Applications
- ANI: Animated Cursor in Windows
- APK: AndroidPackage / Android (Android) installation package, APK is a file format similar to Symbian Sis or Sisx. Install the APK file directly to the Android emulator or Android phone and execute the installation
- ARC: LH ARC compressed archive file
- ARJ: Robert Jung ARJ archive file
- ASD: Auto-save file for Microsoft Word; Microsoft advanced streaming format
- format (ASF) description file; Velvet Studio example file can be opened with NSREX
- ASF: Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format File
- ASM: assembly language source files, Pro / E assembly files
- ASP: dynamic web file; ProComm Plus installation and connection script file; Astound introduction file
- AST: Astound Multimedia File; ClarisWorks "Assistant" File
- avi: Windows video file
- Axx: Sub-package serial number file of ARJ compressed file, used to compress a large file into several small compressed packages (xx takes the number 01-99)
- A3L: Authorware 3.x library file
- A4L: Authorware 4.x library file
- A5L: Authorware 5.x library file
- A3M, A4M: Authorware Macintosh Unpacked File
- A3W, A4W, A5W: Unpackaged Authorware Windows files
B File format B
- BAK: backup file
- BAS: Visual Basic Module VB6 module file
- BAT: batch file
- BDICT: Baidu input method thesaurus file
- BIN: binary file, its use depends on the system or application
- BINHex: Apple's encoding format
- BMP: Windows or OS / 2 bitmap file
- BOOK: Adobe FrameMaker Book file
- BOX: Mailbox file for Lotus Notes
- BPL: Borlard Delph 4 Packaging Library
- BPS: Baidu input method skin file
- BSP: Quake Graphics File
- BUN: CakeWalk sound bundle file (a MIDI program)
C File format C
- C: C code file
- C0l: Typhoon waveform file
- CAB: Microsoft Compressed Archive
- CAD: Softdek's Drafix CAD file
- CAM: Casio camera format
- CAP: Compressed Music File Format
- CAS: comma separated ASC file
- CCB: Visual Basic Dynamic Button Configuration File
- CCH: Corel chart file
- CCO: CyberChat data file
- CCT: Macromedia Director Shockwave projection
- CDA: CD audio track
- CDF: Microsoft Channel Definition Format File
- CDI: Philip's High-Density Disk Interactive Format
- CDM: Visual dBASE Custom Data Module File
- CDR: CorelDRAW drawing file; original audio CD data file
- CDT: CorelDRAW template
- CDX: CorelDRAW compressed drawing file; Microsoft Visual FoxPro index file
- CFG: configuration file
- CGI: Common Gateway Interface script file
- CGM: Computer Graphics Metafile
- CH: OS / 2 configuration file
- CHI: An index of .CHM files, used to support the search function in the corresponding .CHM file, to be used together with a .CHM file of the same name
- CHK: File fragmentation saved by Windows Disk Defragmenter or ScanDisk
- CHM: HTML Help
- CHP: Ventura Publisher Chapter File
- CHR: character set (font file)
- CHT: ChartViem file; Harvard Graphics vector file
- CIF: Adaptec CD Creator CD Image File
- CIL: Clip Gallery download package
- CIM: SimCity 2000 file
- CIN: OS / 2 change control file is used to track changes in the INI file
- CLASS: Java class file
- CLP: Windows Clipboard File
- CLL: Crick Software Clicker File
- CLS: Visual Basic Class File
- CMD: Windows NT, OS / 2 command file; DOS CD / M command file; dBASE program file
- COM: A binary executable file in the operating system. There are two types of executable files: .COM and .EXE.
- CPI: Microsoft MS-DOS code page information file
- CPL: Control Panel Extension, Corel Color Plate
- CPP: C ++ code file
- CPR: Corel provides instructions
- CPT: Corel Photo-Painting Image
- CSS: Cascading style sheet documents, used in conjunction with HTML to define style sheets individually
- CST: Macromedia Director Cast file
- CSV: Comma Separated Value, usually a plain text file
- CTL: Visual Basic User Control VB6.0 user-defined control
- CTX: Visual Basic User Control Binary File VB6.0 user-defined control binary cache file
- CUR: Windows cursor file
D File format D
- DAT: Data stream format. DAT files are also in MPG format. VCD burning software automatically generates MPEG-1 files that comply with the VCD standard. There are also data files with a suffix of .DAT. The file format is uncertain. The suffix of any file can be set to .DAT, because the read data is not judged by the suffix, but by the file format.
- DB: database file, Thumbs.db is thumbnail cache
- DBF: dBASE file, a format created by Ashton-Tate, can be ACT! , Lipper, FoxPro, Arago, Wordtech, Xbase, and similar databases or database-related product identification; available data files (can be used by Excel
- 97 open); Oracle 8.1.x table space file
- DBX: DataBearn image; Microsoft Visual FoxPro form file
- DCF: unified recording format for digital cameras, DCF also has audio format
- DCT: Microsoft Visual FoxPro Database Container
- DCU: Delphi compilation unit file
- DCX: Microsoft Visual FoxPro database container; PCX-based fax image; macro
- DIR: MacromediaDirector file
- DLF: a language file in the INI configuration file format
- DLL: Dynamic Link Library
- DOC: Microsoft Word 2003 Document File
- DOCX: Microsoft Word 2007 document file
- Perfect documents, Microsoft: Word documents; DisplayWrite documents
- DOT: Microsoft Word Document Template
- DPL: Borland Delph 3 compression library
- DRV: Driver
- DRW: Micrografx Designer / Draw; Pro / E drawing file
- DSF: Micrografx Designer VFX file
- DSG: File saved by DOOM
- DSM: Dynamic Studio Music Module (MOD) file
- DSP: Microsoft Developer Studio project file
- DSQ: Corel QUERY (Query) File
- DST: Embroidery Machine Graphic File
- DSW: Microsoft Developer Studio workspace file
- DTA: World Bank's STARS Data File
- DTD: SGML Document Type Definition (DTD) file
- DTED: ground height digital data (graphical data format) file
- DTF: Symantec Q & A related database data files
- DTM: DigiTrakker module file
- DUN: Microsoft dial-up network export file
- DV: Digital Video File (MIME)
- DWG: AutoCAD drawing file; AutoCAD or Generic CADD old version drawing format
- DXR: Macromedia Director protected (non-editable) movie files
E File format E
- E: Easy language code source file
- EC: Easy Language Module File
- EDA: Ensoniq ASR Disk Image
- EDD: Element Definition Document (FrameMaker + SGML Document)
- EDE: Ensoniq EPS Disk Image
- EDK: Ensoniq KT Disk Image
- EDQ: Ensoniq SQ1 / SQ2 / Ks32 Disk Image
- EDS: Ensoniq SQ80 Disk Image
- EDV: Ensoniq VFX-SD Disk Image
- EFA: Ensoniq ASR File
- EFE: Ensoniq EPS file
- EFK: Ensoniq KT file
- EFQ: Ensoniq SQ1 / SQ2 / Ks32 file
- EFS: Ensoniq SQ80 file
- EFV: Ensoniq VFX-SD file
- EMD: ABT Expansion Module
- EMF: Windows Enhanced Metafile
- EML: Microsoft Outlook Express Mail Message (MIME RTC822) File
- EOT: It is a compressed font library, the purpose is to solve the problem of embedding special fonts in web pages. Only Microsoft's IE browser supports it.
- EXE: executable file (program)
F File format F
- FAV: Microsoft Outlook Navigation Bar
- FAX: Fax type image
- FCD: Virtual CD-ROM
- FDF: Adobe Acrobat Form Document File
- FLA: Macromedia Flash Animation Source File
- FLAC: lossless audio compression encoding
- FLV: Flash video file
- FNE: One of the easy language support library files is used to load and provide corresponding commands and methods in the easy language. The easy language support library also has FNR format, NPK format, and LPK file package.
- FND: Search file saved by Microsoft Explorer (Find applet)
- FNR: FNR file is one of the easy language support library files, which is used to load and provide corresponding commands and methods in the easy language. However, unlike the FNE format support library, FNR does not have editing information and has run support code Support library.
- FON: system font
- FRM: Visual Basic Form File VB6.0 form file
- FRT: Microsoft FoxPro report file
- FRX: Visual Basic form text; Microsoft FoxPro report file
- FXP: Source files compiled by Microsoft FoxPro
G File format G
- GDM: Ringtone, Whistle, and Soundboard Module Format
- GetRight: GetRight unfinished download file
- GHO: Norton clone disk image
- GID: Windows 95 global index file (including help status)
- GiF: Motion Picture File
- GL: Animation format
- GRP: Program Management Group
H File format H
- H: C / C ++ Header
- HEX: Macintosh BinHex2.0 file
- HLP: Help file; Date CAD Windows help file
- HPP: C ++ program header file
- HQX: Macintosh BinHex 4.0 file
- HT: HyperTerminal
- HTM, HTML: Hypertext Document
- HTT: Microsoft Hypertext Template
- HTX: Extended HTML Template
I File format I
- ICO: Windows icon
- IDX: Microsoft FoxPro related database index file; Symantec Q & A related database index file; Microsoft Outlook
- Express file
- IMG: GEM image
- INC: Include File Reference file, also used in ASP
- INF: A file used to describe data information such as devices or files under the Windows operating system
- INI: configuration file, ini file format is suitable for the program to record some basic configuration settings
- INP: Oracle version 3.0 or earlier form source code
- INRS: INRS remote communication audio
- INS: InstallShield installation script; X-Internet signature file; Ensoniq EPS cluster equipment; Cell / MAC / PC sampling equipment
- INT: Intermediate code. When a source program is compiled after syntax checking, an executable code is generated.
- IOF: Findit documentation
- IQY: Microsoft Internet Query File
- ISO: List files on CD-ROM according to ISD 9660 standard for CD-ROM file system
- ISP: X-Internet Signature Document
- ISS: Inno Setup project script file (Inno Setup is an installation package generation tool)
- IST: Digital Tracking Device File
- ISU: InstallShield uninstall script
- IT: Pulse Tracking System Music Module (MOD) File
- ITI: Pulse Tracking System Equipment
- ITS: Pulse Tracking System Sampling, Internet Document Location
- IV: File formats used in Open Inventor
- IVD: more than 20/20 microdata dimension or variable level file
- IVP: Profile of a subset of users over 20/20
- IVT: more than 20/20 table or collection data files
- IVX: More than 20/20 microdata catalog files
- IW: Idlewild screen saver
- IWC: Install Watch Document
J File format J
- J62: Ricoh Camera Format
- JAR: Java archive (a compressed file for applets and related files)
- JAVA: Java source files
- JAVA: Java source files
- JFF, JFIF, JIF: JPEG files
- JPE, JPEG, JPG: JPEG graphic files
- JS: javascript source file
- JSP: HTML web page that contains a reference to a Java servlet
- JSON: A lightweight data exchange format.
K File format K
- KAR: Karaoke MIDI file (text + MIDI)
- KEY: authorization file
L File format L
- LAB: Visual dBASE tag file
- LBT, LBX: Microsoft FoxPro label file
- LDB: Microsoft Access Lock File
- LHA: LZH replace file suffix
- LIB: library file in Windows system, divided into two types, static library and dynamic library
- LIC: License user license file
- LNK: Shortcut file
- LOG: log file
- LPK: The LPK file is one of the easy language support library installation packages, including all or part of the files of ".FNE", ".FNR", related routines, and documentation. Used to load and provide corresponding commands and methods in easy language
- LST: List File / MASM Listing
- LUA: LUA scripting language file
- LZH: LH ARC Compressed Archive
M File format M
- M1V: MPEG related files (MIME "mpeg" type)
- M3D: Corel Motion 3D animation file
- M3U: MPEG URL (MIME sound file)
- MAM: Microsoft Access Macro
- MAQ: Microsoft Access query file
- MAR: Microsoft Access report file
- MBX: Microsoft Outlook saves email format; Eudora mailbox
- MCW: Macintosh Document for Microsoft Word
- MDB: Microsoft Access database
- MDN: Microsoft Access empty database template
- MDW: Microsoft Access Workgroup File
- MID: MIDI Music
- MKV: Video file
- MMM: Microsoft Multimedia Movies
- MOV: QuickTime for Windows video file
- MP2: Layer 2 MPEG audio file
- MP3: Layer 3 MPEG audio file
- MP4: video or audio file
- MPA: MPEG related files, MIME "mpeg type"
- MPE, MPEG, MPG: MPEG animation files
- MPP: Microsoft engineering file; CAD drawing file format
- MPR: Microsoft FoxPro menu (compiled)
- MSI: Windows Installer Pack
- MSN: Microsoft Web Documentation; Descent Mission File
N File format N
- NPK: NPK belongs to the easy language COM packaging support library, which is generated by referring to the COM packaging library, such as WebBrowser, Windows Media Player. The extension format support library can be opened in Notepad.
O File format O
- OBD: Microsoft Office Binder
- OBJ: Object file
- OBZ: Microsoft Office Binder Wizard
- OCX: Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding Custom Controls
- ODS: Microsoft Outlook Express mailbox file
- OFT: Microsoft Outlook Template
- OPX: OPL Extension DLL (Dynamic Link Library)
- OSS: Microsoft Office Finding Files
- OST: Microsoft Exchange / Outlook offline files
P File format P
- PAL: compressed file
- PART: Go! Zilla partial download file
- PAS: Pascal source code
- PCS: PICS animation file
- PDF: Adobe Acrobat
- Exportable document format file (displayable by Web browser); Microsoft Systems Management Server package definition file; NetWare printer definition file
- PEM: OpenSSL uses the PEM file format to store certificates and keys. PEM is essentially Base64-encoded binary content, plus the start and end lines BEGIN CERTIFICATE, ENDCERTIFICATE. There can be additional information outside these tags, such as a textual representation of the encoded content. The file is ASCII and can be opened with any text editing program
- PHP, PHP3: HTML pages with PHP scripts
- PHTML: HTML pages containing PHP scripts; HTML interpreted by Perl
- PM5: Pagemaker 5.0 file
- PM6: Pagemaker 6.0 file
- PNG: Portable Image File
- PPS: Microsoft Powerpoint Slideshow
- PPT: Microsoft Powerpoint presentation
- PRF: Windows system files, Macromedia director settings files
- PSD: Adobe photoshop bitmap file
- PSM: Protracker Studio model format; source data files for Epic games
- PST: Microsoft Outlook Personal Folder File
- PWL: Windows 95 password list file
Q File format Q
- QIF: QuickTime Related Images (MIME); Quicken Import File
- QPYD: QQ Pinyin input method thesaurus file
- QPYS: QQ Pinyin input method skin file
- QT, QTM: QuickTime Movie
- QTI, QTIF: QuickTime related images
- QTP: QuickTime Priority File
- QTS: Mac PICT image file; QuickTime related image
- QTX: QuickTime related images
R File format R
- RA: RealAudio sound file
- RAM: RealAudio metafile
- RAR: Windows RAR compressed file
- RC: Resource files used by the Resource Script development environment. To modify resources, you need to modify 3 files, .aps file, .rc file, Resource.h
- REC: Recorder Macro; RapidComm Sound File
- REG: Registry file
- REP: Visual dBASE report file
- RES: Microsoft Visual Studio resource file
- RM: RealAudio video file
- RMF: Rich Map format (3D game editor uses it to save maps)
- ROM: Cassette-based home game emulator files (ROMs from Atari 2600, Colecovision, Sega, Nintendo and other cassettes are fully copied, and cannot be modified between the two emulators)
- RTF: Rich Text Format (also known as Rich Text Format)
- Rxx: RAR compressed file on multi-volume archives (a number between xx = 1 and 99)
S File format S
- SAV: Game Save File
- SB: raw signed byte (8-bit) data
- SBK: Creative Labs Soundfont 1.0 Bank file; (Soundb laster) / EMU SonndFont v1.x Bank file
- SBL: Shockwave Flash Object File
- SCC: Microsoft SourceSafe Status is a management log file in VB6.0
- SCF: Windows Explorer command file
- SCH: Microsoft Schedule + 1
- SCP: Dial-Up Networking Script File
- SCR: Windows screen saver; fax image; script file
- SFX: RAR self-extracting archive
- SHTML: HTML file with server-side include (SSI)
- SKN: skin file, skin source file of QQ pinyin input method is also .skn
- SLN: Solution file for Microsoft Visual Studio Solution VS development environment
- SPL: Shockwave Flash object; DigiTrakker sampling
- SQL: Informix SQL queries; file extensions commonly used by database products for SQL queries (script, text, binary)
- STF: Microsoft installation files
- STM: short suffix form of .shtml, containing a server-side include (SSI) HTML file; Scream Tracker V2 music module (MOD) file
- STR: screen saver file
- SVG: An XML-defined language for describing two-dimensional vectors and vector / raster graphics
- SWA: Shockwave sound file in Macromedia director file (MP3 file)
- SWF: Flash animation file
- SYS: system file
T File format T
- T64: Commodore 64 emulator tape image file
- TDF: Text Design File is a text format, or a subtitle file format
- THEME: Windows 95 Desktop Theme File
- TIF, TIFF: Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) bitmap
- TLB: similar to .ocx, is an ActiveX file
- TMP: Windows temporary files
- TORRENT: BT seed file
- TRM: terminal file
- TTF: TrueTypeFont is a font file format jointly launched by Apple and Microsoft
- TXT: Windows Text Document
- TZ: Old Compressed Format File
V File format V
- VBA: VBase file
- VBP: Microsoft Visual Basic project file
- VBW: Microsoft Visual Basic Workspace File
- VBX: Microsoft Visual Basic user-defined control
- VCXPROJ: VC ++ Project / C ++ project file
- VCXPROJ.FILTERS: VC ++ Project Filters File / C ++ project file virtual directory
- VCXPROJ.USER: Visual Studio Project User Options file
- VOB: DVD video file
- VQE, VQL: Yamaha Sound-VQ Locator File
- VQF: Yamaha Sound-VQ file (standard may appear)
- VRF: Oracle 7 configuration file
- VSL: Download List File (GetRight)
W File format W
- WAB: Microsoft Outlook file
- WAD: Large files of DOOM games containing videos, player levels and other information
- WAL: Quake 2 body file
- WAV: Windows Waveform
- WBK: Microsoft Word backup file
- WFM: Visual dBASE Windows Form
- WFN: Symbol used in CorelDRAW
- WIZ: Microsoft Word Wizard
- WOFF: Web Open Font Format Web Open Font Format, a font format standard used by web pages
- WRL: The Virtual Reality Model
- WWL: Microsoft Word Interpolator File
X File format X
- XLK: Microsoft Excel backup
- XLL: Microsoft Excel interposer file
- XLM: Microsoft Excel Macro
- XLS: Microsoft Excel 2003 Spreadsheet
- XLSB: Microsoft Excel Binary Spreadsheet
- XLSX: Microsoft Excel 2007 Spreadsheet
- XLT: Microsoft Excel Template
- XLV: Microsoft Excel VBA module
- XLW: Microsoft Excel Workbook / Workspace
- XML: Extensible Markup Language
Z File format Z
- ZAP: Windows Software Installation Configuration File
- zip: Windows RAR archive
- 000-999: used to number the old version (or backup) file (such as the CONFIG.SYS file changed by the installer); it can also be used to number multiple user-related data files for small-scale PC applications
- 12M: Lotus 1-2-3 97 SmartMaster file
- 123: Lotus 1-2-3 97 file
- 2D: VersaCAD's 2D drawing file
- 2GR, 3GR: VGA graphics driver / profile under Windows
- 386: Files used on 386 or higher processors
- 3D: VersaCAD's 3D drawing file
- 3DM: 3D NURBS Modeler, Rhino
- 3DS: 3D Studio (under DOS) format file
- 4GE: Informix 4GL compiled code
- 4GL: Informix 4GL source code