What is Email Notification?
Email notification is an email to the operator. For email notifications, the email address of the operator is required. But to send email using database mail, you must have access to an SMTP-enabled email server. [1]
- (1) Email notification: Email notification is to send an email to the operator. For email notifications, the email address of the operator is required. But to send email using database mail, you must have access to an SMTP-enabled email server. To use the SQL Mail function to send e-mail, you must have access to the Exchange server. Outlook and Exchange Client must be installed on the computer running SQL Server.
- (2) Paging notification: Paging is implemented by email. For paging notifications, you need to provide an email address where the operator receives paging messages. To set up paging notifications, you must install software on your mail server to process inbound mail and convert it to paging messages.
- (3) Net Send notification: This method sends a message to the operator through the Net Send command. When using it, you first need to specify the recipient (computer or user) of the network message. [1]
Email notification to operator
- Operators are users who send messages when receiving SQL Server Agent service alerts. Its basic attributes include name and contact information. The operator is a special account that will be notified when an alert is triggered or when a scheduled job fails, succeeds, or completes. An operator is an alias for a person or group that can receive electronic notification when a job is completed or an alert occurs. SQL Server 2008's proxy service uses operators to notify administrators of the execution of jobs, and the operator's contact information determines how to notify operators. [1]
Email notification email
- E-mail can easily send a message to multiple people at the same time. This is a very economical way of disseminating information. Since buyers often use computers, the use of email has become a necessity. [4]
- To implement the email function, everyone needs to have an email account, also called "email address", in the form "name@domain.XX X". name is an individual's name identifier: domain is a domain identifier, and for an enterprise is the company's company name, such as mike @ microsoft. com; for ICP is the name of ICP, such as abc @ 163. com. XXX is an organization or enterprise, such as net, coin, org, etc. Emails have some disk storage space. Although it is called a "mail account", there is no such "box" in fact, but the information can be accurately transmitted to the recipient through the email address. E-mail has the function of single sending and mass sending. Since there is almost no delivery cost (no postbox or postman is needed except for bandwidth costs), it has also become the preferred platform for advertising and information release. Advertising messages sent by businesses or individuals. Most of them have to be called "spam". [5]