How Do I Become a State Superintendent?

Scott Walker, male, conservative, was elected governor of Wisconsin three times, and Republican of the governor of Wisconsin. [1]

Scott Walker

(Governor of Wisconsin)

On September 21, 2015, he announced his retirement from the next President of the United States.
On December 4, 2014, The British magazine The Economist published an article titled "If Walker Runs" on November 30. The article said that Wisconsin Governor and Republican Scott Walker seemed interested in running for the 2016 presidential election. Although he succeeded in Wisconsin, he may not be dominant in the presidential race.
The full text is as follows:
To achieve great goals, politicians need more than wisdom and couragethey need a little luck when choosing competitors. From this perspective, Wisconsin Governor and Republican Scott Walker is undoubtedly a lucky politician. The state of public finances in the United States is worrying. In response, several Republican governors chose to cut spending, reduce taxes, curb unions and reconsider commitments in pension and health insurance. Many governors have been resisted, and others-such as Ohio Governor John Kasich and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal-have witnessed their boldest reform policies To frustration. After being elected governor in 2010, Walker fought a tough battle for a series of conservative policies. However, good luck was also an important factor in his success: opponents fought back too much, which triggered resentment from voters.
When Walker announced a containment of labor negotiations for government workers, the state government was besieged by thousands of protesters for months. Politicians were blocked at home. Anonymous extremists threatened Walker, his wife, and two teenage sons with death threats-one of which reads, "We will rip her up like killing a deer."
Wisconsin's Progressive Tradition dates back to early Germany and Northern Europe
After formally running in early July, Walker's apparent lack of stamina, weaker and weaker momentum, public opinion approval rates have fallen all the way, and in two television debates in early August and mid-September, his performance was lackluster. Walker's approval rating is even less than 1%. More importantly, Walker has had a lot of trouble raising campaign funding. Terry Sullivan, Rubio's campaign team manager, another Republican presidential candidate, pointed out that the real reason for Walker's withdrawal was that his money was burned out. [1]
Wisconsin is 83% white and does not represent the United States today
Compared to Chris Christie, Walker not only possesses economic populist skills, but also has an advantage in manners. However, we cannot overstate his overall appeal. Christie won half of hispanic votes during the re-election and shared power with the Democrats' legislature. In contrast, Walker successfully implemented his reform plan after Republicans took control of all Wisconsin government departments. From gun ownership to abortion, Walker is downright conservative on a range of issues. He abolished the policy of providing university grants to young illegal immigrants who grew up in the state. Asked how the federal government should handle the millions of illegal immigrants in the United States, Walker said there was no response. (He protested, "I'm the governor.")
Walker should think more deeply about the changing voters. He said Hispanics and other growing groups are important to the United States, but Republicans don't need to spend much energy on it. He said demographic studies showed that Romney's performance in key states was very poor, losing "Reagan Democrats" completely. If he meant that Republicans could get the support of white blue-collar workers and could ignore minorities, it was tantamount to suicide. Walker is a powerful challenger, and he has a strong criticism of the Republican Party. But thinking of the new US as its enemy cannot win elections. [3]


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