What Is Income Shifting?
Transfer income: Income that is not remunerated for the services provided as a factor of production, and therefore income that cannot be included in national income. Government transfers, pensions, and private gifts received by households are transfer income.
Transfer income
- Transfer income: income that is not remuneration for the services provided as a factor of production, and therefore cannot be included
- Residents
- Among them, "Retirement Pension", "
- In addition to the government transfer payments mentioned above, the remaining maintenance income, gift income, friends and relatives, and accounting subsidies are basically income transfers that occur within households. In this way, the concept of transferable income in the yearbook differs from the concept of transferable income that is commonly understood by the government to redistribute income. However, from the per capita transferable income data in the yearbook, the government transfer payment part still dominates status. This does not affect our analysis of this.