What Is a Transurethral Bladder Resection?

Transurethral resection of bladder tumors is a type of surgery for bladder tumors in situ with a diameter of less than 5mm, extroversion and inverted papillary cancer less than 5cm in diameter, and stage B1T2 of invasive cancer.

Basic Information

Chinese name
Transurethral resection of bladder tumor
Visiting department

Transurethral bladder tumor anesthesia and preoperative preparation

Anesthesia mode
You can choose general anesthesia, epidural block anesthesia, ramie or superficial anesthesia.
2. Preoperative preparation
Patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia are mostly elderly, usually with coronary arteries, valves, and hypertension heart disease, as well as cerebrovascular disease, chronic lung disease, renal insufficiency, and diabetes. Proper treatment is required before surgery. The coagulation function should be basically normal.

Indications for transurethral bladder tumor resection

The diameter of bladder tumor in situ ranges below 5mm, the diameter of extroversion and inverted papillary cancer is below 5cm, and the invasive cancer is B1T2 stage, low grade.

Contraindications of transurethral bladder tumor resection

1. Severe cardiovascular diseases.
2. Obvious coagulation function.
3. Non-transitional epithelial tumors, such as adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
4. Acute cystitis.
5. Spine deformity cannot lie flat.
6. Untreated urethral stricture.

Transurethral bladder tumor resection procedure

The general steps of the surgery:
1. Carcinoma in situ, most cases need to be examined carefully. Biopsy is best done with a ring biopsy forceps, which takes more tissue. The diameter of carcinoma in situ resection does not exceed 5 cm.
2. For exogenous cancer, the resection of the bladder tumor with resection of the bladder, the bladder perfusion solution 150 ~ 200ml each time. Usually use small electric cutting circle. Rinse water is better with hypotonic liquid.
3. Resection of invasive cancer. The resection starts from the edge of the tumor, then moves to the center, from the surface to the deep. Such as laser resection of bladder tumors, does not cause obturator nerve reflexes, especially for tumors <2cm on the side wall.

Postoperative complications of transurethral bladder tumor resection

Bladder perforation.

Nursing after transurethral bladder tumor resection

Surgical routine nursing, health education.

Precautions for transurethral resection of bladder tumors

After electrical resection of bladder cancer, especially after invasive cancer resection, the bladder wall is weak in the resection area. Therefore, continuous bladder drainage should be performed according to the resection range. Keeping drainage flowing freely makes the bladder empty and contract, which helps to stop bleeding and wound healing. Once the drainage is not smooth and the bladder is overfilled, there may be secondary rupture in the resection area.

Diet after transurethral bladder tumor resection

Eat digestible food and drink plenty of water to ensure urine output.


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