What is Biosphere 2?
Name: "Biosphere" Concept 2

"Biosphere" concept 2
- Name: "Biosphere" Concept 2
- September 27, 1991, from the United States, Britain, Germany and
- The above-ground part of Biosphere 2 covering an area of 1.28 hectares is a three-dimensional steel structure type coated with powder, equipped with double-glazed window panels; the ground part is welded stainless steel plates and sealed with steel pads. The total volume is about 180,000 m3. The interior is mainly composed of 7 kinds of ecological community areas and two atmospheric expansion chambers (also called "lungs"). In addition, there are also facilities such as energy centers and cooling towers. In order to reduce the load of the three-dimensional structure, the internal pressure of Biosphere 2 Slightly higher than the surrounding atmospheric pressure. To resolve this contradiction, the circle was equipped with two variable volume chambers called "lungs" to make the atmosphere expand and contract under constant pressure. The two "lungs" are like giant pistons passing through a seal As the membrane is connected to the cylinder, the weight of the piston generates an internal positive pressure relative to the surrounding atmospheric pressure. No matter where there is a leak, the internal atmosphere will diffuse outward to ensure the exclusion of external pollution.
- In addition to the above facilities, its interior also includes rooms for analysis, medical, veterinary, monitoring, maintenance, exercise, film and television, distributed in different parts.
- Biosphere 2 has 5 wildlife communities (tropical rainforest, savanna, ocean, swamp, desert) and two artificial biological communities (intensive agricultural and residential areas). They are based on the ecosystem between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Cancer It is a model, designed by American and British biology and ecologists.
- There are about 4,000 species in the circle. 3000 species, about 1,000 species of microorganisms (including bacteria, slime mold, fungi, microalgae, etc.), they are from Australia, Africa, South America, North America and other places.
- The system has both tall trees (such as mangroves) and small shrubs and grasses, which are scattered and beautiful. The habitats in various wildlife communities are not consistent, such as the ocean has beaches, shallow saltwater lakes, coral reefs and seawater. 4 types. There are relatively independent ecological areas between the biological communities to separate them from each other, for example, a cluster of bushes between the savanna and the desert is relatively isolated. In order to protect each community from environmental stress, tolerance is planted around it Strong plants, for example, are surrounded by dense ginger plants on the three sides of the tropical rain forest, thereby protecting the internal tree species from the strong side light, and the interface with the ocean is planted with bamboo to resist salt infiltration.
- In order to be as close to the natural environment as possible, the soil, turf, seawater, and freshwater in the circle are taken from different geographical areas and reused through certain artificial treatments. For example, the experimental seawater is the seawater and freshwater carried in accordance with Formulated in the proper ratio.
- The criteria for selecting plants in Biosphere 2 mainly consider the animal consumer's life security, taxonomic diversity, physical parameters, availability of plants, and aesthetic value. In order to adapt to Darwin's natural selection process, plant species were initially more than the system could support More, this can compensate for the loss or extinction of the species, and ultimately promote the continued stability of the system.
- There were two missions in the entire plan; the first mission was planned from September 26, 1991 to September 26, 1993, and the second mission was carried out in 1994 for six months. In the first mission, the oxygen concentration continued to decline at a steady rate of 0.5% per month, and continued until the internal atmospheric composition was similar to areas with altitudes above 1200m. Eventually, the oxygen concentration dropped to dangerous levels and pure oxygen had to be pumped from the outside.
- The culprit in the decrease in oxygen concentration is suspected to be microorganisms living in the soil. Agricultural areas, savanna areas and rain forest areas all introduced microorganisms before the mission to support plant growth. It was not until later discovered that these microorganisms consumed too much oxygen.
- One problem with this speculation is that since the microorganisms consume a large amount of oxygen, it should also produce a large amount of carbon dioxide, but no significant increase in carbon dioxide composition was found in the analysis of atmospheric composition. Investigations have shown that the concrete at the base absorbs this carbon dioxide during the hardening process. However, the program lost some credibility as it was later replenished with oxygen and other support.
- · The first 8 scientists conducted extensive, detailed, in-depth observation, recording, analysis, and research projects in the closed artificial ecological environment of 21 months in accordance with their respective research scopes, including biogeochemistry, soil, water, ocean, "Global "Biomass, agriculture, genetics, physiology, nutrition, medicine, psychology, and technology and engineering.
- On September 26, 1991, the first batch of volunteers in Biosphere 2 welcomed 4 men and 4 women to a two-year, isolated life. Although these residents took years to accept engineering, agriculture, etc. Good training (one of them even received dental training), with millions of dollars in technical support each year, various disasters still follow: massive deaths of various animals and plants, cockroaches and ants are full of children; more To make matters worse, by January 1993, the oxygen content in Biosphere 2 had dropped from 21% to 14%, and had to be supplemented with oxygen from the outside world.The illusion of self-sufficiency was completely disillusioned.
- The experiment failed. After a short rest period, Biosphere 2 ushered in a second batch of residents. 5 men and 2 women lived for a month and a half due to the accumulation of laughter (N2O). On September 17, 1994, Forcing to leave, the experiment ended in failure again. After that, no one lived in Biosphere 2 anymore.
- · Of course, Biosphere 2 also makes people understand a seemingly simple truth: "The earth is still the only garden for human beings."
- From a realistic point of view, the concept of the "biosphere" plan coincides with the closed ecological life support system of large spacecraft. Therefore, the US government paid great attention to "Biosphere" 2 and conducted strict inspections.
- Experts generally believe that in space, the biosphere must be much more comfortable than an icy all-metal orbital station, and the greatest advantage is that it requires no or very few supplies.
- Professor Walford, a psychiatrist at the University of California, was one of the first researchers to enter Biosphere 2. He said: "We need to carry out such research. Be prepared. It's not too early to start now. "
- Unfortunately, for various reasons, Biosphere II failed to complete the experimental plan envisaged by the scientists, and announced in 1996 that it had ended the experiment early. It seems that the attempt of artificial life environment needs a long way to be successful if it is to succeed.
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