What Is the Metatarsus?
The metacarpal metacarpus or metacarpalbones, a total of five, are small long bones, from the radial side to the ulnar side in order from the first to the fifth metacarpal bone.
- Chinese name
- Metacarpal
- Foreign name
- metacarpus or metacarpalbones
- nickname
- metacarpal bones
- Features
- For small long bones
- The metacarpal metacarpus or metacarpalbones, a total of five, are small long bones, from the radial side to the ulnar side in order from the first to the fifth metacarpal bone.
Metacarpal Overview
- The metacarpal is also divided into two ends, and the proximal end is called the base, which is related to the distal column of the carpal bone. Among them, the articular surface of the base of the first metacarpal is saddle-shaped and is related to most of the angular bones. The body is prismatic and slightly curved towards the back. The distal end is the small head of the metacarpal bone, which is spherical and related to the phalanx.
External bone artery of metacarpal bone
- Regarding the origin of the nourishing arteries of the metacarpal bone, we have observed that the sources of the nourishing arteries of the metacarpal bones 1 and 5 are relatively constant, which are from the major artery of the thumb and the third perforating branch of the deep palm. The sources of the nourishing arteries of the metacarpal bones 2 and 3 vary widely, mainly from the first perforating branch of the deep palmar arch, the first metacarpal artery, the second perforating branch of the deep palmar arch, and the second metacarpal artery. 2 wear branch.
Metacarpal hand bone
- The hand bone is the name of the human body part. Modern anatomy believes that the hand bone is composed of the wrist bone, the metacarpal bone, and the phalanx bone.
Fracture of metacarpal hand
- Fracture of the metacarpal: The entire hand is not straight, red, swollen, and pain is unbearable. The next day eased, but was swollen and weak.
- Fracture of the phalanx: single finger cannot move, red, obviously thicker than other fingers, tingling. The next day was slightly milder, red, thick, and weak. Lumbar fractures should be placed flat to avoid spinal cord injury. Lie on a hard bed while sleeping, and do not stretch or twist the lumbar spine when lying on the side. Generally, no displacement of the fracture is mainly caused by bed rest, and a flat hard bed is preferred. In order to reduce the pain and stretch of the lumbar spine, a thin pad can be placed under the waist to maintain the physiological curvature of the lumbar spine.
- The diet is high in calcium and high in protein (such as seafood, meat, milk, soy products, etc.), foods rich in vitamin C (such as fresh vegetables and fruits), and the other is to prevent constipation and bed sores Occur), to prevent venous thrombosis of the lower limbs (lower limbs must be massaged frequently), etc.