What Is a Nanosecond?
ns (nanosecond): nanosecond, a unit of time. One billionth of a second is equal to the negative 9th power of 10 seconds (1 ns = 10 -9 s).
- 10 to the 18th power | Ai [ ] | E
- 10th to the 15th power | Shoot [It] | P
- 12th to 10th | Too [pulling] | T
- 10 to the 9th power | Kee [Cafe] | G
- 6th to 10 | Mega | M
- 3 to 10 | Thousands | k
- Power of 10 | Hundred | h
- 1st power of 10 | | da
- 10th to 1th power | points | d
- 10th to the 2nd power | centimeters | c
- 10th to the third power | milli | m
- 10th to 6th power | micro |
- 10th to 9th power | Nano [Nano] | n
- 10th to 12th power | skin [may] | p
- 10th to 15th power | Fly [Mother care] | f
- 10th to 18th power | Ah [Thor] | a
- 1 second = 1000 milliseconds
- 1 millisecond = 1000 microseconds
- 1 microsecond = 1000 nanoseconds
- 1 nanosecond = 1000 picoseconds
- 1 picosecond = 1000 femtoseconds
- In C #, 1Ticks = 100 nanoseconds [1] .