What Is the Brand Development Index?
Brand development index refers to the ratio of brand sales in the region (the number of consumers) to total sales (the number of consumers) / the proportion of the population in the region X100. The brand development index describes an indicator of specific market conditions and is used to Measure the degree of development of a brand in the regional market, often abbreviated as BDI.
Brand Development Index
- Brand development index refers to the ratio of brand sales in the region (the number of consumers) to total sales (the number of consumers) / the proportion of the population in the region X100. The brand development index describes a specific market situation.
- BDI = (A certain brand area
- In market research, a relative brand development index is also used, which describes the proportion of consumers who choose a brand in a certain type of product. The calculation method is:
- Sales volume of all similar products in the region / Total sales of similar products in the region X 100%
- It shows the extent to which consumers in a category of products in the region choose branded products. The higher the value, the more popular the brand's products are; the lower the value, the lower the consumer value the brand.